Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Extreme care is needed not to space the tracks so closely together that any high voltages flash over between tracks can occur .
2 With devastating confidence , he thrust his finger deep into her molten heat , then raked his fingers back up across her stomach to her breasts with a convulsive , possessive , shuddering movement which triggered a huge surge of longing inside her , so strong she felt dizzy .
3 I came in as a young teacher , enthusiastic , full of new ideas but you soon find that the old attitudes rub off on you , and so you end up thinking , ‘ Oh , why am I doing this ?
4 The Grandes Marques lose out to cheaper champagne
5 Garages cash in on chipped windscreens
6 It takes into account that modern cities have grown from several points , not one and because of this growth and the resulting congestion in the city itself , these nuclei develop out of town shopping centres .
7 Entities zoom around in simulated three-dimensional space , colliding with each other , shooting each other down , swallowing each other amid revolting noises .
8 They found that moving traps were indeed consuming energy — cells used up 29 per cent of their ATP in the three seconds of closure , Venus fly-traps clamp down on their prey as a result of irreversible cell expansion , which is itself caused by the activation of wall loosening enzymes by a lowered p H in the cell wall .
9 Sharp icicles fly out from the caster 's hand and strike the first unit or model in their path .
10 ‘ The times cry out for a dramatic change in our relationship to our neighbour , the Earth and , at root to God .
11 The tickover burbles and barks , but blip the throttle and the whole car twists with the torque reaction and the birds fly out of the trees .
12 I dance round the kitchen table , twirling the hat on my hand , so that the ribbons fly out behind it .
13 But if researchers home in on the record as the first level of access , ignoring the surrounding administrative context and archival structure which forms part of its meaning , will understanding be fostered or impaired ?
14 Under his sudden shadow , flames cry out among thickets .
15 So we spend a season trying to adjust — a tough job in particular for the senior players who have spent up to 20 years operating a certain way — and then find it may all change again weeks before the British Lions fly down to New Zealand .
16 All the pubs and clubs empty out at the same time .
17 A GRANT of £40,000 will ensure a firm 's development plans fit in with Middlesbrough council 's planned facelift for the area round the town 's famous Transporter Bridge .
18 That the services they provide are relevant to environmental groups , and in that way to help environmental groups plug in to the kinds of advice on fund raising and er , management and all sorts of other aspects of running a voluntary organisation , which , at the moment , of , er a lot of , er social service organisations plug into , but so many environmental groups .
19 These talents grow out of over $414 billion in assets , making DKB the strongest funding base in Japan .
20 Many of the more glamorous film and photographic opportunities crop up at short notice , so you have to be flexible .
21 Scots squeeze through in Harp Masters
22 As they trace their lazy parabolas back down to earth , these bits twist around slowly , over and over , until they hit the ground with a flop or a flump , splodging out to form round , flattish masses .
23 I did , however , manage to get the doctors and dentists award down to 6 per cent .
24 Phosphorescent purple eyes peer out from beneath shells ; black sea urchins swivel their spines as they slowly perambulate on needle tip ; starfish of an intense blue spangle the sand ; and patterned rosettes unfurl from holes in the smooth surface of coral .
25 Great heads with green , multi-faceted eyes peer down at her .
26 Make the other tentacles in the same way , varying the direction of the curve so that when assembled the tentacles branch out at different angles .
27 For a while they walked in silence , retracing their steps back up towards the house .
28 Savanna animals cool off with a kind of organic radiator by evaporating water from the moist linings of the nasal chambers .
29 A report in the British Journal of Addiction says some carrot junkies eat up to five bunches a day and become desperate if deprived of their fix .
30 But the winners make up with the size of their winnings what they lack in numbers .
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