Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 No black on wings and no long trailing legs distinguish them from all other large white birds in flight .
2 The shapes prevent them from bunching together .
3 To find the angle of the legs draw them from well back under the tail coverts and place the feet under the head to balance the body ( Figure 3 ) .
4 Feathered legs separate it from all other same-sized birds of prey , except smaller eagles .
5 Two reasons prevent it from continuing to provide this function .
6 Legal and natural persons are denied access to most international fora ; exclusionary rules prevent them from being parties , interveners , or even witnesses in what they may see as their own claims .
7 Service managers are waking up to the value of experienced nurses whose understandable reservations about being out of date with current ideas and technologies prevent them from taking up their careers again .
8 To this extent , Soviet foreign traders , who came late to the Latin American markets , may be disadvantaged in their competition with capitalist suppliers either because their own authorities prevent them from participating in the bidding for a project or because they can not mobilise the Soviet bureaucracy in time to meet deadlines .
9 But too often the system 's outdated working methods and attitudes prevent them from giving their best .
10 There are only two network providers — Cellnet and Vodafone — and as their licences prevent them from dealing directly with end users , this role is fulfilled by the service providers .
11 It should be remembered that there are other provisions which could in certain circumstances prevent him from doing so ( see Chapter 5 above ) .
12 If urgent circumstances prevent you from attending this course , please notify your own departmental training contact ( name below ) immediately .
13 The criminals find their way round something and then the , then the alarm companies stop it from happening .
14 Yet its quasi-mystical elements prevent it from fully using its potential .
15 The Philistines carry it from their camp to the town of Ashdod , and there they put it in the temple of their god Dagon .
16 Four elements protect you from them .
17 It may be that learners have internalized aspects of the system which for one reason or another they can not access on particular occasions , that circumstances of different kinds prevent them from acting on this knowledge .
18 These and other caveats prevent me from giving an unqualified recommendation to this new disc .
19 Workers pass it from mouth to mouth or gather one another 's excrement in order to reprocess the partially digested food and extract the last particle of nutriment from it .
20 Although the ET-6 also makes use of the new T-bass shape , its natural-finished , more exotic woods separate it from the plain old ‘ T ’ version .
21 Their actions distinguish them from one another .
22 Now look at which fears prevent you from doing what you want to do now .
23 Have you noticed how many things stop you from painting ?
24 I consider that I B M strives to be a good employer and that it 's long established belief in respect for the individual has shaped our personal policies to reflect these needs within our community , and for example , our equal opportunity principles prevent us from considering race , colour or sex , when offering someone employment or promotion .
25 Great Pulteney Street alone is 1,100 feet long and 100 feet wide , though the thin pilasters and applied pediments of Bathwick 's terraces prevent them from ranking alongside the Royal Crescent and the King 's Circus as works of European significance .
26 But , if the refusal or the conditions prevent him from obtaining ‘ reasonably beneficial use ’ of the land , he can serve a purchase notice .
27 Does she agree that haemophiliacs and others who are given contaminated blood transfusions receive them from the national health service ?
28 What in our political and cultural traditions prevent us from having a ‘ pro-people ’ health service — and society for that matter ?
29 Sometimes it has to be done but , even then , two things separate us from our attackers .
30 The Cattle of the Cottagers are impounded when the Forest is driven by the Keepers , as all other Cattle are ; and when the Owners take them from the Pound ( paying the usual Fees to the Keepers ) they turn them again into the Forest , having no other Means of maintaining them … the Cottagers … are detrimental to the Forest , by cutting Wood for Fuel , and for building Huts , and making Fences to the Patches which they inclose from the Forest ; by keeping Pigs , Sheep etc. in the Forest all the Year ; and by stealing Timber .
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