Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [art] great " in BNC.

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1 Climbers make a great mistake , however , in imagining that each of these groups aspires to the dizzy heights of dangling .
2 Proposals place a greater emphasis on recycling .
3 Old newspapers are being preserved by photographing about 200 volumes a year to microform , priority being given to those for which readers make the greatest call .
4 It is the solution that offers the best balance between advantages and disadvantages — the animals gain the greatest degree of mutual protection from predators whilst sacrificing the least in terms of their ability to find food in the inhospitable terrain .
5 Queries and disputes provide the greatest excuses ever for not paying accounts .
6 Companion animals provide a great benefit for a large number of people .
7 Disturbance and high tides pose the greatest threats to the breeding birds .
8 Recall from Chapter 22 that the monetarists put a great deal of faith in the observed correlation between changes in the money supply and changes in national income .
9 Branches undertake a great deal of complex and important work .
10 First , divergences in the nature of the two subjects cause a great many problems .
11 In the case of a hunter this training is far more intense , because the intricacy of forest paths and the difficulty of tracing animals demand the greatest power of observation .
12 Overall , he says he 'd like to see grammar schools play a greater role in the current debate about selection .
13 Aycock has not shown for some years and so fans of her precisely-crafted contraptions have a great treat in store when her show opens at John Weber on 13 February .
14 The trips include a great party night called ‘ Cova Rava ’ , a BBQ at La Siesta up in the hills , a beach party , Sixties night , ‘ Wet and wild ’ and of course , the hilarious Reps ' Cabaret plus lots more .
15 Mr Murphy said : ‘ Kids have a great time on our holidays without being aggressive or competitive .
16 And the clients have a greater confidence in us , recognising us as the people who have made it happen .
17 Informants have a great deal more liberty to range as they wish and to develop their ideas , and this ‘ freedom to roam ’ can be extremely useful in getting to the bottom of complex social situations and events .
18 The very finest champagnes have a greater potential to age more interestingly since they start off with more .
19 The babyfood market is worth many tens of millions of pounds a year and so the manufacturers have a great vested interest in when babies begin solids and what they eat .
20 In addition , equities have a greater appeal to many groups of investors as they generally carry a higher expected rate of return .
21 Commercial organizations spend a great deal of effort on assessing the needs and wants of their customers , and yet , as we saw in Chapter 31 ( The Marketing Concept ) , there is a variety of possible orientations towards customers .
22 Birds show the greatest sensitivity to day length of any vertebrates .
23 After 17.00 on weekdays , and on Saturday mornings , mean delivery times show a greater degree of fluctuation than at other periods , and while this may partly be explained in terms of the smallness of the samples from which these mean delivery times were calculated , it seems likely that a major factor was again reduced staffing levels at these periods .
24 Indeed , it may well be that the weakness in their democratic institutions explains why some of the Member States show no great concern about the threat to democracy posed by the present moves towards a federal state of Europe .
25 Subsidised EC exports cause the greatest resentment .
26 Floorcoverings withstand a great deal of wear and tear in the average home , and buying the wrong type can be a hideously expensive mistake , so knowing what to put where is very important .
27 These areas receive the greatest financial support for maintaining agriculture .
28 Haslam points oui that such experiences demand a great deal of positive thinking .
29 However , the processes of decay in the gardens produce a great deal of heat .
30 Some dreams are more visually intense than others , and some REM sleep periods have a great many more eye movements than others .
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