Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He sees the deviant group as creating its own circumstances to the extent that it makes meaningful the societal reactions to it , or better generates meaning for itself in a world whose societal reactions deny them the full status of persons .
2 The capacity and speed of optoelectronics make it an ideal means for simplifying switching and routing with optical networking a possibility for perhaps 10 years time — a prospect that researchers from University College are currently co-researching with British Telecommunications Plc in Harlow .
3 These acts make it an offence to kill these wild animals and they have an obvious effect on conservation ; that these animals are not being killed — at least if the law is being obeyed .
4 The report says ‘ Mr Zappala 's … experience … along with his civic activities make him an ideal candidate for the US embassy ’ .
5 As the season goes on our baits make it a better swim .
6 As Mayor Perry 's encouragement demonstrated , Fulani 's status as an African-American woman and the utter absence of a consistent progressive agenda among this year 's leading Democratic presidential candidates make her a tempting protest vote in some decidedly mainstream quarters .
7 Its durable qualities and lightweight characteristics make it a very economical filling with the added advantage of less danger risk from heat and fumes than some other fillings when ignited .
8 More important is the fact that our simultaneous selfish demands make it a precarious , situational altruism .
9 For this , Italian fanzines make him a perfect Italian boy ( ‘ Mamma is my true sweetheart ’ — Max Magazine ) .
10 As our pictures show what a difference a day makes !
11 Paintings from the 19th and early 20th centuries show us a countryside where humans are not dominant but co-exist with Nature in the struggle for life ; where cultivated fields are everywhere bounded by the wilderness which constantly threatens to encroach and claim back its own .
12 But McGrath , who has had eight operations on his knees , revealed this could be his swansong , saying : ‘ I will decide at the end of the season , but I 'd rather quit at the top than drop down to a lower level , and the knees cause me a lot of pain .
13 These books show us a great adventure that only a few people undertake and finish .
14 Once in a while fantastic planetary aspects or influences afford one the perfect opportunity to prove just how daring , adventurous and self-confident one can be .
15 the stables show them the stables .
16 Our new world industry correspondent , Richard Feast , casts a critical eye over recent motor show offerings , and concludes that Japan 's ‘ lean ’ production methods give them the opportunity to offer imaginative and stimulating new models
17 That , that 's open to the general public but where I stand you have to have a membership card to go in there now , and er you pay two pound before the season started and er local traders give you a discount and things erm it 's just one way of er segregating the supporters if you like , but there does n't seem to be so much trouble since they 've done this , but at the same time there does n't seem to be as much atmosphere
18 In your own words describe what a creditor is and when creditors arise .
19 Goldfish ca n't turn their heads around but their slightly bulging eyes give them a wide field of vision .
20 His Etonian vowels give him a peculiar aural resemblance to Brian Johnston of Test Match Special ( imagine Johnners talking about what an axe can do to the flesh and you will have some idea of just how disorienting this is ) .
21 Wella 's high quality , creamy formulations give you a look you never dreamed you could achieve at home .
22 Sumptuous public rooms , marble floors and rugs give it a style of its own , and the restaurant opens onto a splendid waterfront terrace .
23 The subject of art has for too long been considered by many teachers as a frill , — there it is on the time-table , a compulsory subject ; some schools give it a period a week , some a double period , and some even more .
24 We 're all really close to each other , so if the lads give me a good track with some good bits that turn me on , I want to do well for them , I wan na get some lyrics out they 'd like .
25 kids give it a shove , pushed it on the street
26 Tennis rackets give you a lot of power but the most power you get from the body .
27 The finding of individual coins or of coin hoards can in some rather obvious respects give us the same sort of information , since the loss of a single coin or the deposit of a hoard is proof of some sort of direct or indirect contact between the place of mint and the place of deposit .
28 To quench is more than to refresh although our lying , lascivious eyes tell us the two are the same .
29 The pesticides get me the pesticides .
30 When his ears tell him the truth , he will not listen .
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