Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 Wishes provide us with motivation and strategy , for without the greed of a wish we would never get started .
2 Notice also how these skills provide us with a timeless wisdom , applicable to all people-situations anywhere .
3 Frogs and birds pamper themselves with plumes of pampas grass
4 James argued here that abstract rules provide us with only limited assistance in arriving at moral decisions because ‘ every real dilemma is in literal strictness a unique situation ’ .
5 Flows of assistance between generations provide us with an important example where , in practice , support is often one way , and where apparently this is regarded as quite proper .
6 Their shells provide them with valuable protection but like all armoured species they are at certain disadvantages — they are nearly always less mobile , less flexible , and suffer the consequences .
7 The qualitative methods provide them with feminist validity , while the quantitative methods ensure the reliability which psychology values .
8 Forest Goblins decorate themselves with colourful feathers , often sticking the quills directly into their skin as Goblins feel little pain .
9 The Jews provide us with the single most illuminating incident of the episcopate of Avitus .
10 Despite the principle of ‘ unity of command ’ , the recommendations submitted by the political officer on fitness and promotion through the Directorate 's confidential channels provide him with real prerogatives over the ‘ real ’ officers who surround him .
11 However , whilst the image of the ‘ head and tail ’ coin is pertinent to our understanding of the rituals , the rabbis ' words provide us with little more than an appreciation of how Jewish society ( or a part thereof ) at the time perceived and explained the religious state of affairs .
12 As the snake closes in for the kill , its mouth sensors guide it with deadly accuracy .
13 Two lifts link it with the private sun terrace , bathing platform and sea water swimming pool below .
14 The fortunate survivors find themselves with a wealth of food and very little competition in which to grow to their maximum potential .
15 Once you 've found the words ring them with a pen , cut out the wordsquare or photocopy it if you do n't want to damage your magazine , and send it to us here at : Make sure you also enclose your address and boot size .
16 Most modern text-writers state it with some slight , hesitant reservation ( and this is thought to be the correct view ) .
17 Colouring books help their writing skills … picture books help their reading skills … counting books help them with their numbers .
18 What he says about the king 's own explanation for his forwardness in battle is one of a number of examples of d'Ayala 's perception of the Scottish kingdom : ‘ He ( the king ) said to me that his subjects serve him with their persons and goods , in just and unjust quarrels , exactly as he likes , and that therefore he does not think it right to begin any warlike undertaking without being himself the first in danger . ’
19 Eyes have it with new sight cure
20 This special five-year chart shows a more balanced result than our two-month version ( see page 67 ) ; here longer term , established titles mix it with the ‘ Big Names ’ .
21 However , unlike the working-class area , the shopping centre is also a transport centre : there is a main line station on the national rail network and two underground lines connect it with the rest of London .
22 Yet , despite the rapid growth of these more recent subjects , history retains its traditional importance in higher education , since its social , cultural , economic and political concerns provide us with an interdisciplinary approach to problems that includes the perspectives and many of the methods of the various social sciences , yet also seeks to establish a broader , overall assessment of the issues it examines .
23 Turtles provide us with a different example .
24 Royal Jelly enthusiasts endow it with almost magical medical properties .
25 What these descriptions present us with is the concept of an impersonal Absolute or Ultimate and this is exactly what Gandhi wishes to convey for he has no hesitation in expressing a preference for the idea of God as formless Truth .
26 The Gospels present us with a picture of Jesus of Nazareth searching out those left on the edge , and bringing them into the heart of God 's kingdom .
27 Shareware libraries provide you with a program on disk for a ‘ nominal ’ sum — they are providing the program for free , and charging only for the disk , duplicating and administration , all of which includes a small amount of profit , I suppose .
28 The improvements in performance over the last two years provide us with a secure base from which to move forward .
29 But disabled people who use them say the workshops provide them with a sense of dignity as well as permanent paid work .
30 Central to my analysis of goals is the proposition that the backgrounds of individuals provide us with themes or patterns which reappear in values , beliefs and goals , and then overtly in behaviour .
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