Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 All these cases , and similar cases heard in other jurisdictions , were reviewed in the landmark case Caparo Industries plc v Dickman ( 1990 ) 2 AC 605 HL which has caused so much controversy .
2 Sending out ILL requests received from other libraries , including recording the loans/photocopies ( computer/slip and book ) , chasing overdue loans and the compilation of monthly statistics for the Serials Librarian .
3 Patents do , however , have some value in securing royalty income , and they are often used to trade for access to other technologies developed by other firms .
4 This figure is in agreemen t with other informati on about housewor k hours gathered by other researche rs : Table 5.4 contains a comparis on of results from a range of different studies .
5 It is as though these translators were each construing the poem by supplying a vocabulary reflecting a personal perception of the poet 's intention — or perhaps in some cases caught from other translators .
6 Adduct levels ranged from 0.7 adducts/10 nucleotides to 29 adducts/10 nucleotides , which is similar to values reported for other tissues .
7 We complete forms and reports and act out other behaviours in response to written or electronic signals received from other reports , memos , terminals , deadlines , diaries , etc .
8 Quantitative research in education and other areas of social science has traditionally adapted statistical methods developed in other areas , eg agriculture and medicine .
9 The auks , while they do not appear to recognise man as a benefactor , certainly are aware of the signals given by other birds .
10 It would be interesting to see if DNA supercoiling can stabilize the open complexes formed at other B.subtilis promoters known to form unstable complexes , such as the tms and citB promoters .
11 Speeches made by other CPV leaders criticized the West for undermining world socialism ; Poland and Hungary were also denounced for allowing non-communists to gain a share of power .
12 The high repeat frequency of the chromosome III and close resemblance between its telomeric sequences ( effectively closing it into a circle ) , plus the higher number of clones hybridising to probes mapped to other two chromosomes , demonstrate the possible problems with all types of algorithm with more complex genomes .
13 At the same time , however , the formation of these new nations resembled in other important respects the creation of nation states in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , and even earlier .
14 The privacy and identity that they possessed by living in family homes separated from other families , even when members of co-operatives , would be broken down under the new arrangements .
15 As with the plain indirect method , the mosaicist can make use of designs produced in a distant workshop , or designs produced by other craftsmen .
16 This interchange of visual ideas permeates every facet of the weaver 's art , and is one of the prime reasons why all oriental rugs , regardless of their compositional differences , possess an underlying character that sets them apart from hand-made rugs produced in other areas of the world .
17 Mr Gilbert said the department had received guidance from the Scottish Office , and had access to guidelines used by other local authorities .
18 The mandatory rights would also be granted to policyholders purchasing from insurers based in other EC countries .
19 It has ‘ about average ’ socio-economic characteristics compared with other LEAs in the country , but there are stark contrasts between areas of the city .
20 This reflects the range of subjects found in other community education projects and confirms the view that community education can become , in many instances , more of the same , although taking place informally in local neighbourhood centres .
21 Work started on rebuilding Telford Avenue depôt late in 1950 , but for the brief remaining period , the Felthams as they came out of service were replaced by E/1 and E/3 class cars displaced by other route abandonments .
22 The Department of Employment are insisting that the TEC use funds earmarked for other projects to meet the Youth Training guarantee .
23 Although the precise information sought by Newco 's solicitors will depend on all the circumstances and on the roles taken by other advisers , Newco or its solicitors will generally request its accountants to obtain information and copies of documents in relation to the target business ( or if appropriate , in relation to each group company ) in the following areas : ( a ) constitution : memorandum and Articles of Association and other constitutional documents ; reports and audited accounts for the past three years and subsequent unaudited management accounts ; shareholders ' resolutions required to be filed ; ( b ) borrowings : details of all borrowings , bank accounts and facilities ; copies of all guarantees and indemnities and details of any intra-group arrangements ; ( c ) litigation : particulars of any pending or threatened legal proceedings ; ( d ) employees : terms of employment of and fees paid to all directors and senior executives and information about other employees ' standard terms and conditions of employment ; details of any trade union or collective agreements and codes of conduct or practice ; details of any current or proposed pension , death or disability benefit schemes and any recent actuarial reports ; ( e ) licences : details of all licences and consents necessary for the carrying on of the business ; ( f ) tax : details of all tax and VAT Returns made ; particulars of any PAYE , VAT or other audits ; details of any matters under discussion with the Inland Revenue ; details of any stamp duty exemptions , tax clearances or Treasury Consents ; details of any group asset transfers or arrangements for transfer ; details of any bonus issues , reductions of capital or other capital reorganisations ; group relief ; ( g ) arrangements with the vendor : details of any loans , agreements or contracts between the vendor and any connected persons ; ( h ) title to the assets : details of any encumbrances on property , any factoring agreements , hire purchase , leasing agreements ; list of debtors and details of standard discount and credit terms ; ( i ) contracts : details of material capital commitments , major agreements with suppliers and customers , contracts entered into otherwise than in the ordinary course of business .
24 These fail to cover animals imported from other countries , and stipulate that a trader can only be arrested if caught completing a deal .
25 Catholic ritual was , of course , a central element of the major liturgical feasts of Easter and Christmas , but the church also gave its blessing to the festivities associated with other religious and civic holidays ; in Canterbury , for example , these included the Corpus Christi processions , the celebration of the translation of the relics of St Thomas à Becket , and the St George 's Day procession , which was headed by the mayor and aldermen of the town .
26 Similarly , some Shirvan-grade rugs use designs associated with other traditional groups ( Kazak , Daghestan , Erivan , etc ) and may therefore be sold under the name of the design , rather than that of the grade .
27 Pupils could receive this education in the LEAs ' own schools , in schools maintained by other organisations , or , in certain circumstances ( under Section 56 of the Act ) , ‘ otherwise ’ — in effect , at home .
28 Public relations , she sometimes thought , could be defined as a series of crises created by other people .
29 There is no evidence that books ordered from approval collections are any more successful than books ordered by other methods .
30 It is not primarily intended as a program in which to create bitmaps , but rather to touch up and enhance images acquired from other sources , which includes a quite powerful scanning facility .
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