Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If this routine is written in a programming language such as PL/1 , Algol or Fortran , the calculation is not necessary ; the subscript facility can be used , and the table entries referenced as TABLE ( CAT , FAC , PROD ) .
2 When she died in 1709 , two Dukes and four Peers acted as pall bearers at her funeral which was held at St. Nicholas , the parish church .
3 Indeed , I have in the past done so , filing pages of foolscap paper with words spangled as wildflower , natural and sweet .
4 Private pension scheme tax concessions grew as part of deliberate policy .
5 The frogs did as Sergeant advised , and discovered at the far end of the garden , near the brick wall , a fine shady place among a cluster of mossy rocks .
6 The initial setbacks came as part of the local government reforms of the early 1870s .
7 On the opposite side to the door and window was the staircase , and two doors ; one of which ( the nearest to the fire ) led into a sort of little back kitchen , where dirty work , such as washing up dishes , might be done , and whose shelves served as larder , and pantry , and store-room , and all .
8 As the examples already given illustrate , most of the protests concerned what the conservatives saw as government weakness .
9 Gone are the days when a set of weak states acted as enticement to the invasion of European Russia by outside powers .
10 Many of Britain 's waste managers are in the aggregates business ; the two French giants began as water companies ; Browning Ferris started life as a haulage company ; some of the German companies are owned by electricity utilities .
11 Although many boatmen 's wives acted as crew they were not recognised as such and could not get compensation for injury or sick pay .
12 There is one final point regarding the changing forms of association which many of these early sociologists saw as characteristic of the new social order .
13 Trading estates have been laid out , factories built and resources in unspecified ways recirculated as investment for related development .
14 A different illustration is provided by the collaboration in 1983–84 between the ILEA and the London Institute of Education , in which one of the former 's advisory teachers acted as placement tutor for six students from the emotional/behavioural difficulties option of the latter 's Diploma Course .
15 Froggy was sufficiently a part of that tradition to scorn the smart and colourful clothes that the younger caddies wore as mirror images of their masters .
16 In the late nineteenth century , minerals acted as lead sectors for other aspects of economic growth , encouraging migration , urbanization , and cash-cropping in large regions of the world .
17 The latest claims came as part of a campaign by Amnesty International to raise public awareness of persistent human rights abuses in allied countries .
18 It has been argued on a small amount of evidence from Britain and a greater quantity from Gaul , that most civitates were divided into constituent pagi , or rural areas , and that small towns acted as pagus centres .
19 Colour photographs of diacetylene liquid crystals synthesized as part of the new materials research programme into materials for photonics ; a field concerned with optical data display , recording and processing , described as the technology of the twenty-first century .
20 In the buildings with a number of storeys they frequently used a different order on each storey , whilst the columns were lined up one above the other and the entablatures acted as string courses .
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