Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 LIBF director Brian Bradford said this week that demand for stands had been considerable and the fair was already close to being a sell-out .
2 that the LEA guidelines had been inadequate ;
3 The fight was broken up by the housemaster , whose ears had been open in anticipation for some days .
4 ‘ Up to then , the fans had been tolerant , but they began to get on my back after that .
5 One of these writers , the poet Hölderlin , claims our particular attention here for the new attitude towards Germany that his commitment to the Greek ideal entails — and also for his intuitive awareness of a greater complexity underlying " the spirit of Greece " than Winckelmann or his immediate successors had been able to recognize .
6 By closing down Polish educational institutions ( notably the university at Vil'na and the lycée at Krzemieniec ) , by suppressing the Uniate Church ( in 1839 ) , by abolishing Magdeburg Law in Kiev ( in 1835 ) and the Lithuanian Statute throughout the region ( in 1840 ) , by promoting the publication of history books which argued that the western provinces had been Russian from time immemorial , by depriving many Poles of noble status , by promoting the interests of their Ukrainian and Belorussian serfs , and by insisting that local administration be conducted in Russian , he sought to make clear what he meant by allowing " Nationality " , narodnost' , to be attached to " Orthodoxy " and " Autocracy " in the celebrated circular of 1833 .
7 Hitherto the republics and provinces had been unable to agree on a budget and international financial institutions had accordingly blocked credits .
8 At the beginning of 1971 US gold reserves had been sufficient to cover 32 per cent of foreign dollar holdings .
9 This was because those steps had been reasonable ones to take even though they had in the event aggravated the losses .
10 The editorial was written by the editor , Mr Richard Lambert , who said the response from readers had been mild with calls running ‘ about 3½–1 against ’ .
11 By any normal standards , the Al Fayed brothers had been rich men for perhaps a decade or even two .
12 In the opening rounds the waves had been small , four to five feet .
13 Molinari and Foulkes found that subjects woken up following bursts of eye movement activity reported more vivid dreams than when woken up following intervals of REM sleep in which the eyes had been still .
14 If her eyes had been open , she would have seen Zeno heading for the cliff path .
15 Her eyes had been open in a fixed and vacant stare , and the waxen tinge to her skin had told its own tale .
16 The green eyes had been steady .
17 By 1926 new and much more powerful express passenger and freight locomotive designs had been prepared to his directions and , whilst these were nullified by opposition within a divided management structure , in 1927 the Royal Scot express locomotives were introduced for principal main-line services .
18 His guards had been unable to intercept a single raider , in spite of having been warned of the exercise .
19 Small dedicated games units had been available for some time but had always had only crude multimedia capabilities .
20 The Tatars had been one of the groups expelled from their traditional homelands in 1944 on grounds of alleged Nazi sympathies ( and a certain amount of active collaboration ) .
21 The employees appealed and it was held , allowing the appeal , that the industrial tribunal had erred in law in holding that an intention to compete in the future with their employers expressed by the employees in letters to their employers ' suppliers was in itself a breach of a duty of fidelity owed by the employees to the employers and that accordingly the dismissals had been unfair .
22 The authority of the clergy had been second to none during the years of persecution and this appears to have strengthened as a direct result of Roman centralization from the 1850s onwards .
23 If the lower clergy had been sympathetic to church reform on ‘ Jansenist ’ lines the hierarchy was hostile and , as the liberal attack on church property developed , it was joined by all but a handful of liberal priests .
24 Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice , the third Special Rapporteur , thought that previous analysis of treaties and third parties had been unsatisfactory in both theory and doctrine , and that the subject had received no systematic treatment .
25 During much of Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti 's seventh administration , formed in April 1991 [ see p. 38157 ] , the four coalition parties had been conscious of the approaching election and the government had progressively lost cohesion .
26 Five seats were also given to the Ittehad-i-Islami , a Saudi-backed fundamentalist Wahhabi Sunni group led by Abdur Rab Rasool Sayyaf , whose fighters had been involved in fierce street battles with Wahdat in Kabul on June 2-6 .
27 The last time he 'd dived off it , the coral heads had been awash .
28 Wilson was hard put to rebut all these complaints , admitting that his management of funds had been bad , though as a result of inexperience rather than dishonesty .
29 Prior to July 1 Soviet Jews had been able to leave for Israel with only a visa .
30 Mandru had been away on business for much of the time since Lucien had arrived , so performances had been few .
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