Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] by the " in BNC.

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1 With their shareholders lulled by the regulatory safety net strung under them and lured by the prospect of fat and easy profits , many banks in the 1980s went for growth instead .
2 None of the sixteen taxes endured by the Nikol'skaia peasants was aimed at capital held in the form of equipment .
3 A curved position-sensitive detector picks up the X-rays diffracted by the sample while its transmission spectrum is recorded by a photodiode array .
4 This is the only court of appeal for cases tried by the military court , and looks only at points of law and not at facts and findings , thus providing a restricted appeal .
5 Being able to challenge government decisions in the courts offers to groups disappointed by the outcome of the policy-formation process the prospect of re-opening the policy argument before the courts .
6 Deformed sperms , de-energised sperms and sperms deterred by the acid environment of the womb , were catalogued so that when the camera followed the successful ones on their journey it seemed a miracle that any got to their destination at all .
7 Three-quarters of the population throughout the eighteenth and most of the nineteenth centuries lived by the land .
8 On the other hand , although in recent years the regulation of the financial services industry has generated a lot of judicial review applications against regulatory bodies , the courts have discouraged these largely because they do not want court proceedings to be used as tactical weapons to delay financial transactions by parties disappointed by the failure of a regulatory body to give the applicant the protection it sought from financial predators .
9 Not seldom were my solitary walks enlivened by the spectacle of some plain Jane on her back in the stern of the boat , imploring the team of half-naked , sweat-drenched males to keep it coming , watch their finishing , keep it firm , keep it hard .
10 Sir Angus Ogilvy , who is shooting very well this year ; and The King of the Hellenes ; The Lords team captained by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu , and including Lord Romsey , the Earl of Lichfield , and Lord Stafford ; The Ladies , who were captained by Rosie Marchioness of Northampton , included the Duchess of Roxburghe , Lady Fairhaven , and the Marquesa de Ardales ; The Dukes were captained by the Duke of Roxburghe , and included the Duke of Atholl , the Duke of Abercorn , and the Duque de Arion ; The Keepers were captained by Mr William Meildrum , and included Mr John Stubbs , Mr Graham Cussons , and Mr Sandy Messon ; The Winners captained by the Hon.
11 Tobacco sponsorship of the arts applauded by the Whitney
12 The image was well established ; and it is hardly surprising that when , in 1521 , the canny and obsessively fair-minded scholar John Major produced his book entitled A History of Greater Britain , in which he argued that better relations with England would make good sense , for political and economic reasons , the plea fell on ears deafened by the awareness that a little nation had fought off a monster by courage and tenacity .
13 ‘ And get our fucking heads busted by the screws when they 've gone . ’
14 De Gaulle now had to deal with political parties reinvigorated by the return of elections and normal democratic processes .
15 WRECKED : Burnt-out cars blitzed by the fireball which roared through the plant
16 It is dispersals of this People 's University of books bequeathed by the Victorians and their successors up to the postwar years that are the real reason for the library 's losing its soul , as Richard Hoggart so aptly put it .
17 He allows himself a carefully selected smile , humorous , equal to equal , and goes on , the ease of his words belied by the hurry of his delivery and the force of his grip on her arm .
18 On the following 18 October , he was asked to consult with his staff colleagues and such other veterinarians as he might think fit , ‘ with regard to the terms upon which the funds bequeathed by the late Professor Coleman for the advancement of Veterinary Science can be best appropriated … ‘
19 SHOPPERS strode by the body of a store workman yesterday , unaware that he was dead .
20 That it was all undignified , that it was really rather unpleasant , that it was somehow dehumanizing for Harold — these considerations went by the board as he finally rolled on top of her , grunting fiercely in a tone no one at Magdalen would have recognized .
21 A handful of the small nomenclatura of the Soviet cultural bureaucracy was gathering under the chandelier , the ladies in their beehive hairstyles and flowered frocks designed for slenderer frames , the gentlemen slimmed by the shiny French-tailored suits that signified access to the special clothing stores .
22 Analysis of the radio waves emitted by the Moon indicate that the thermal conductivity of the outer Moon increases rapidly with depth , just as would be expected from the increasing compaction of a fragmented medium .
23 The crests of the waves emitted by the source can be regarded as the ticks of an atomic clock , and if the rate of ticking v increases , the same time interval t would contain more ticks .
24 As the efficiency of the detector was very low ( it was small and , they estimated , only recorded less than one in a million of any neutrons emitted by the cell ) , they counted neutrons at the cell for 50 hours .
25 The time difference between pulses emitted by the transmitter and received by the receiver with or without the specimen in place can be measured to the order of 1 ns .
26 Before I left Britain one of the best-kept secrets of the war had at last been revealed — the breaking by the Bletchley Park mathematicians of the ciphers encoded by the German Enigma machine : this priceless intelligence had enabled us to sink all the Bismarck 's supply ships , monitor the movements of Tirpitz so that attacks could be launched on her ( see page 144 ) and destroy many U-boats at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic .
27 While narrowing the old section 2 , the act is unlikely to give protection to a " whistleblower " who felt that the public should be told certain information as any defence depends on disclosure being considered to be in the public interest and that would still seem to mean " the interests of the state according to its recognised organs of government and the policies expounded by the particular government of the day " per McCowan I. in Ponting 's case .
28 This , coupled with numerous fragmenting experiences endured by the left over the last two decades , has made the prospect of any sort of political focus within the left in general , and in film and television studies in particular , both difficult and remote .
29 This bear of a man clearly has no time for the smug certainties peddled by the top pop politicos …
30 This means that the extra processing effort incurred by the repetition must be outweighed by an increase in contextual effects triggered by the repetition itself .
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