Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed the Director of Kenya 's Institute of Education looks forward to a time when a syllabus may be devised which , in addition to a national ‘ core ’ , has specific defined areas where programmes devised at district or local levels will be developed and implemented .
2 The majority of the islanders lived at subsistence level .
3 When Cato 's supporters arrived at court they found that they had been pre-empted .
4 My contractions started at midnight — not very considerate bearing in mind how much I need my sleep .
5 Electoral alliances created groupings corresponding to the West German parties , and West German politicians from all the major parties appeared at election rallies .
6 If defectors stayed at home the intelligence world would be much better off as a result .
7 But student attendances after Christmas were appreciably lower , as cars stayed at home and public transport was withdrawn , and several branches decided not to start a spring course at all , or to restrict them in length .
8 An official , four soldiers , four children and two adults were injured as a truck driven by two Goajira Indians drove at speed directly at the presidential motorcade .
9 Marines raced at powerspeed to empty their boltguns into its heavy weapons , now laid low , so as to pierce casings and blast actuators lest the Moderati recover from the stun and injuries of the fall …
10 Thus if all cancers discovered at necropsy were identified clinically and treated then 26 out of 27 patients would be treated unnecessarily because these tumours do not represent a threat to their lives .
11 Last year the judges debated at length how to mark entries that did not follow the drawings to the letter , but showed evidence of good economical production turning techniques .
12 At the same time as debt service ratios stood at record levels , higher levels of capital gearing , aggravated in some circumstances by house prices falling below the level of outstanding debt , may have made lenders less tolerant of arrears and less willing to help borrowers through remortgaging .
13 People stood on street corners ; thin dogs sniffed at refuse ; there were graphic warnings up , outside the post office , about syphilis and T.B .
14 She is in usual house attire … white blouse open at front , with large breasts ready to jump into view , no frock or dress , but long blue bloomers elasticated at waist and at knee ends .
15 They said that almost four million workers stayed at home to protest against the tax .
16 But bosses alleged no more than two million workers stayed at home .
17 After this grand display , we all drifted towards the breakfast ‘ table ’ , and as at any good party , the guests sat at table for a considerable time .
19 Paulette cradled her cup of ale and stared through the open door into the stableyard where chickens pecked at oats and Sharpe 's dog twitched in exhausted sleep .
20 When problems occurred at work , they preferred to approach the cook personally .
21 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
22 The 1988 BCS also found that 70 per cent of personal property thefts happened at work , and that those in risk of assault were in entertainment , catering , nursing , welfare and security personnel .
23 Within them , the companies either owned or effectively controlled the services , so that the miners and their families shopped at company shops , drank at company pubs , and played sports at colliery clubs .
24 Yard-high walls of bananas waited at road turnings for the Geest lorry to collect .
25 The concept of level , it must be said , is not an original metaphor to bring to bear on the topic of consciousness : mystics have always talked of levels of consciousness , and the nineteenth-century vitalists wrote at length of the emergence of a level of consciousness from a sufficiently complex lower level of organization .
26 That in line with the Area Staff Commission , Coordinators discuss with all area secretaries and their secretarial assistants Christian Aid 's invitation to secretarial assistants to come onto the payroll at sometime during eighteen months beginning 1st October , 1991 at grate IV and at the same number of hours worked at present .
27 The executions began at midnight on Saturday and were completed six and a half hours later .
28 These are large hauls hijacked at sea .
29 They were walking along a broad corridor between glass-partitioned offices , lit by bleak fluorescent strip lighting , where sallow-faced men in shirt-sleeves stared at computer terminals or pored over sheets of printout .
30 Its undeviating accuracy in recording the passage of time to within one twenty-millionth of a second was a joke in a world that still went largely by the leisurely passage of the sun , where stage-coaches left at dawn , noon or sunset .
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