Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When it was first published in 1937–38 the authors had suggested points in the colonial government 's peasant policy which might have been reformed — ‘ landlord rent oppression ’ , the seizure of peasant land , heavy taxation — but the French response , apparently , was to ban the work after the second volume had been published .
2 Somewhere in the back of his mind was the knowledge that Legion wanted the woman kept alive , but the sight of Kreig 's ears had given Ardamal a thirst , and he needed to slake it .
3 I only heard the start of the prog but it sounded like the Norwich fans had booked tickets at Leeds , went to pick them up and were told to f*** off !
4 The Mongol invasion had hit the urban centres particularly hard , and the tribute paid to the Golden Horde for over two centuries had made recovery difficult .
5 These woods gave cover to the herds of wild deer which for centuries had provided sport for the kings and nobility , guests of the Berkeley family at the nearby castle .
6 Any competitor who wins three consecutive races retains the cup , and in 1986 Terry was one race away from gaining his second cup when he was beaten by a local lad whose legs had given way just twenty yards from the finish the previous year .
7 It was as if Andrus 's legs had given way under him .
8 But by then the damage was done ; the demons had escaped Pandora 's box and , not for the first time , the demands of laissez-faire capitalism had subverted traditional moralities .
9 ( Lord Diplock 's emphasis at p394 ) The conclusion arrived at was that the requirement " by description " had to be determined by reference to the contract as a whole , that is , whether the characteristics had become terms in the contract .
10 Oxford fought tenaciously all round the outside of the long Surrey bend and by Chiswick Steps had drawn level again .
11 Moira Billington , prosecuting , said the brothers had advertised cars in a newspaper and sold them from their home .
12 But he said the brothers had asked McEvoy not to carry out the burglary .
13 Constance , as was her wont , had paid her little attention , but her brothers had taken fright .
14 Miss Lloyd said that the brothers had issued receipts bearing a disclaimer which stated to the customer that a car 's mileage could not be guaranteed .
15 In April 1914 , George Younger wrote in Our Flag about " Radical " Buy " Election promises " and cited ten cases from the past six years when Liberal by-election candidates had made promises to local groups of voters on behalf of the government promises of a change in policy to benefit local crafts or industry or employment .
16 Secondary shock waves had punched holes in the fuselage causing further damage and the plane 's disintegration .
17 It was as though the waves had chosen Hawaiians to act as their mouthpiece .
18 Springfield 's faded blue eyes had gone flint hard as he spoke .
19 Her eyes had played tricks and her imagination had run wild .
20 Jay lay on her bed , sipping coffee and touching her own face with the tenderness she felt for Lucy , closed her eyes with the dizzy perfection of that moment in the conservatory when they had touched , when she had touched Lucy , and Lucy had walked beside her , seen what she saw ; when her eyes had met Jay 's , dancing with the glory of it all .
21 Huy realised too late that the man 's eyes had switched direction to focus on someone behind him .
22 His eyes had avoided Belinda 's face this morning , as if last night was still very much on his mind and he was embarrassed about everything that had happened , and everything that had been said .
23 Her eyes had prised accuracy from him .
24 In January 1990 the paper 's director , editor and two other journalists had received prison sentences of up to one year on having been found guilty of spreading " false information " .
25 The NME 's resistance to the move was legendary and was reported in The Guardian of May 12 , 1976 , an article by Robin Denselow detailing the fact that the journalists had removed ceiling panels , daubed graffiti and generally run amok .
26 The dissolution of BCP cells in the armed forces had already been ordered by the former politburo on Jan. 24 and had been accomplished by Feb. 15 , while at the end of January a congress of the Union of Journalists had banned party cells from newspapers and publishing houses .
27 Back in England when the 4th Scots Guards had finished ski training and were waiting to put what they 'd learned into practice , Charles had by no means forgotten events on the nursery slopes of Chamonix .
28 In some cases it was reported that Albanian frontier guards had opened fire on the refugees and that some had been killed .
29 Three further units had refused access to the inspectors .
30 The unchaperoned freedom with which she and her sister had gone about the city with their prospective husbands had given rise to the ‘ hostile breath of rumour ’ , and had encouraged a general belief that ‘ Pantisocracy meant a system of things which dispensed with the marriage-tie ’ .
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