Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hi knowledge of the world and excellent manners assured him popularity ’ .
2 Although some winter barley growers jumped he gun last week , little was cut as crops were not fit .
3 Fossil evidence reveals that these giants occupied the woodlands and mountain forests of southern China until the ice ages drove them south into what are now the islands of Sumatra and Borneo .
4 His reactions caused him pleasure , fury , deep repose or inner peace .
5 McCALL Header off line crucial in first half , while surging runs and accurate long-range passes made him thorn in Leeds ' flesh 8
6 Did my bit against Franco till the Italians took me prisoner .
7 The two lawmen wished them luck and with a wave of acknowledgement , Grant and Larsen turned and made their way quickly and silently into the thick trees .
8 The Cretans named it Minotaur , meaning ‘ bull-son of the King Minos ’ .
9 But if the woman cotton worker were married to a miner or an engineer , then the husband usually refused to do housework , his substantially higher earnings gave him breadwinner status and , notwithstanding his wife 's employment , the right to leisure while at home .
10 Shilton rightly won the PFA 's player award , while Burns re-formed so impressively that we writers voted him Footballer of the Year .
11 These structures gave them strength and enabled them to stand several centimetres tall .
12 I skirted the dike district too — or at any rate two big chicks denied me entry to their purple sanctum .
13 However , most agencies refused us access , except to a minority of birth parents whose children were freed for adoption , often against their wishes .
14 Re-stowing the rest of the sails gave him time to get the details straight in his head .
15 during the second World War , one German found three hundred , four hundred Russians took them prisoner
16 Meehan should have been released immediately , but instead the authorities offered him parole , that is release on licence , which he properly and courageously rejected , knowing it could not be long before he was released unconditionally .
17 They rarely lived in the countryside , but their investments brought them prestige as well as profits .
18 As soon as they finished with their books the two girls made him tea .
19 When the prayers were ended the three girls kissed him goodnight in turn , and Rose went with him to their room .
20 During Partition they went into hiding , and for a fortnight their good Hindu friends brought them food and water .
21 We arrived at a Roman Catholic church where kind ladies gave us food and blankets , and soon we were all cosily asleep on the hard church floor .
22 Sunk fathoms deep in thought once more , Luce took no heed of her surroundings , and only when they were pulling in to a private landing-stage overhung by green willows did she surface and realise the significance of the overnight bag .
23 Birthtales gave us insight into the most essential human experience , birth , where artists from different cultural backgrounds found a common ground .
24 He was taken to hospital where doctors gave him charcoal to absorb the drug and sent him home to rest in a darkened room .
25 Further postings gave him experience of Muslims and heathens in Central Sumatra , and he finally became Resident Adviser to the Netherlands East India government at Batavia ( 1945-48 ) .
26 British Airways then flew me free of charge to Paris , where the Niger authorities gave me permission to cross their territory .
27 Anarchy was over and there now began the reign of one of the strongest kings ever to rule England , one whose territories and titles gave him authority over a great part of north-western Europe .
28 City cops looked the other way , and the Cal State Angels loaned us hardware .
29 After twenty-eight rounds Cribb was unable to come to scratch , but a ruse by his seconds gave him time to recover , and Molineaux retired in the thirty-third round .
30 Everywhere I went , their expressions charged with power and delight , men gave me gold .
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