Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [prep] last " in BNC.

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1 The pyjamas fastened at last , Ashley rose shakily to her feet .
2 It was with a sickening sense of shock that his eyes fell at last on the heaps of bodies lying in the shadows of the dock buildings and beneath the pepper trees .
3 ‘ The boy and girl are with you , ’ the Trapper repeated like a man slow of thought , to whom the words had at last revealed their significance .
4 Sparks flew at last weekend 's Berkeley conference when Boaz turned up unexpectedly .
5 Vologsky 's turbulent emotions broke at last .
6 By the accession of Philip VI of Valois , therefore , the old Angevin and Lusignan fiefs had at last been absorbed by the French crown .
7 One of the most significant selling points which the Banks used during last year 's dispute was the fact that Extended Opening Hours would give rise to significant numbers of additional jobs in Banking .
8 Tangerine 's dance dreams started in last summer 's raves
9 The red-brown tentacles of London 's suburbs had at last been shaken off , and the chequered autumn landscape , multi-textured as a cloth collage , unrolled before them in a changing pattern of brown , green and gold , leading them on to Cambridge .
10 By the end of the century things had at last begun to change : in 1899 Primitive Methodists agreed a minimum of £100 while Congregationalists and Baptists set aside part of their Twentieth Century Funds for salaries .
11 But the news , later in the day , that the first of at least 10 chartered trains had at last crossed the border into Czechoslovakia revived the East Germans ' spirit of solidarity in the face of inconvenience and discomfort .
12 Then the tears came at last , and she could n't say another word .
13 The " atmosphere of ideological domineering " had been replaced by freedom of thought and glasnost , and leaders had at last begun to tell people the truth .
14 From the camps of Europe , those who had avoided the execution pits and the gas chambers had at last reached the Promised Land about which their cantors had sung at Auschwitz .
15 Whatever their errors — and they had been considerable — the Bolsheviks did at last establish some measure of order that allowed some recovery from the attrition of the years .
16 More than one of the void screens had at last been overloaded .
17 INDIAN police surrounded a housing estate in a Bombay suburb yesterday to flush out two gunmen wanted for last Friday 's series of bombings in the city in which at least 250 people died .
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