Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] well as " in BNC.

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1 Teachers ' centre wardens ( usually themselves experienced teachers anxious to develop active supportive programmes ) keep in close touch with teachers and schools as well as with local advisers and " the office " , and centre management is frequently run on quasi-democratic lines with a significant element of teacher-participation ( the local authority none the less is responsible for finance ) .
2 This is true for whole nations as well as for individuals , as Israel 's his tory proved .
3 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
4 Kessler , known for his ingeniously mechanised and electrified constructions , this month ups the ante with a piece called ‘ Music Box ’ which has got something for the ears as well as for the eyes .
5 And there will be plenty for fans as well as for musos , with events ranging from big shows at Birkenhead Town Hall and the Floral Pavilion to Sunday brunches at the Mersey Ferries booking halls and late-night concerts at Birkenhead Priory .
6 This book seeks to present social anthropology as a humanistic discipline which , by its very nature , claims to be less ethnocentric and insular than history or sociology but which has strong and significant links with both these subjects as well as with social psychology and psychiatry .
7 In such ways we learned to care for people 's bodies and homes as well as for their inner spiritual life .
8 Many councils have employed too many staff over the years , have been too inefficient , and have not maintained their homes for the elderly and residential care homes as well as they should have done .
9 Today , with the designation ‘ moving headland ’ , Spurn Head is scheduled a Site of Special Scientific Interest , worthy of special treatment for its geophysical characteristics as well as for the diversity of its flora and fauna and its value to migratory birds .
10 It meant that heads had to discuss with governors and parents as well as with staff precisely how to make use of greater freedom .
11 The agreement , reached at a meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg , will barely affect BBC and ITV programming but has more sweeping implications for nascent commercial companies as well as for the poorer public channels in southern Europe .
12 Iveco requests that the process of European integration should advance to the point where suitable pan-European structures will be established for companies as well as for markets . ’
13 The author 's experience in Africa and Australia , and his study in Europe , convinced him that the participative training techniques developed by the ATB had much to otter agricultural progress in all countries , third world developing countries as well as developed countries .
14 Their very amusing fanzine ‘ red issue ’ is full of such witty articles as well as lots of new and original jokes about Yorkshire folk and sheep ( very amusing , yawn yawn )
15 It is easy to mould and form into any shape , and is used in large sheets for covering cakes as well as for making edible decorations and objects .
16 Andy worked mainly in the shop , but also had a chance to play with the Hunts as well as with other famous players of the 1970s such as Doug McLelland , John Garner and Peter Dawson .
17 He was the first Roman Catholic director-general of the BBC , taking over at a difficult time , when the Ulster issue was posing serious dilemmas for broadcasters as well as for politicians .
18 Will the Minister assure us that the Government will give the maximum assistance with those weapons as well as with nuclear weapons and that in granting full diplomatic recognition to those republics the acceptance of full international obligations , including the Helsinki process and those features that relate specifically to human rights , will be a priority ?
19 ft. building was erected for the machinists and cutters as well as for garment distribution .
20 Counterintuitive though this may seem , AI might help us understand the perceptual experiences of kingfishers as well as kings .
21 Even so , BBC2 remained , as the BBC told the Annan Committee ( p. 90 ) , ‘ the channel for initiation , for large scale departures as well as for tryouts and experiments ’ .
22 Further , the universities were the acknowledged custodians of academic standards for Tutorial Classes as well as for other courses of broad intellectual and cultural interest .
23 The treatment is effective for a wide range of illnesses as well as for allergies and hay fever .
24 The Centre can provide for individuals as well as for groups and parties .
25 Also , an annual revaluation of our investment properties required for accounts purposes as well as for good practice has been undertaken with an effective date of 31 March 1993 .
26 When the British Academy gives scholarships for methodological research and applications as well as for historical inquiries of a more familiar kind , when universities begin to make appointments in humanities computing or , dare I say it , even in history and computing , then , it seems to me , we will be in a better position to bemoan our inability to secure more in the way of government and private funding .
27 Rarely in Rover 's history has there been a time when it has done so many things so well as now .
28 Children like to listen to stories as well as read them , and so selected titles from each level are also available on cassette .
29 Their powers were laid down by the old Lunacy and Mental Deficiency Acts , which were concerned with the definition , ascertainment and committal of mentally disordered persons as well as with the administration of the services .
30 The government sought co-operation with the unions and the farmers as well as with businessmen .
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