Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I always think of delphiniums as having blooms right the way up the stalk .
2 This could allow the court , as in the Goodwin case , to order a reporter to reveal his notes so the company whose information was leaked would know who to sue .
3 Useful points to look for are cord/cordless functions and travel cases so the shaver can be charged up and used while travelling .
4 These days , all information media are built on electronic foundations so the qualification is simply redundant .
5 Apart from the splash of the water , and the squeak and thump of the diving boards , the calls of the Indians to each other and an occasional squeal of delight from the child , it was still , and a thrush , lodged in a tree on the common beyond , dominated for minutes together the air above the sequestered pool .
6 Many Stoddard Templeton ranges already use heather effect yarns so the benefit to the company could be considerable .
7 For these reasons alone the issue must be dealt with from the outset with as much information as is possible .
8 There was no reply to her calls so the lifeboat continued to search out to the west of the area .
9 Okay so you had twenty four hours all the way round
10 Again the three things that came out for me yesterday were the structured thought patterns obviously the arousal and the need for audience contact .
11 But each has different effects at different ages so the balance is sensitive to changes in age structure ( de Cooman , Ermisch , and Joshi 1987 , 1988 ) .
12 As well as setting up the scheme , the council will be made to fill in quarterly returns so the government can monitor changes in numbers .
13 Millions of Iranians perhaps the majority , it is hard to tell — saw the Shah as did Ayatollah Khomeini ; he was an agent of the Great Satan , as Khomeini called the United States .
14 Just a bit left on her legs so the baby must have used up all if the baby carries on like this she 'll be anaemic I think .
15 Place the plants at either end of the tank and put a small flowerpot in the middle away from the plant clumps so the female can hide — and it also assists with her capture when the time comes to remove her .
16 But all he did was to leave the shore and head fast for another part of the lagoon , where the moulds and fungi overhand the water .
17 Lifting economies out of recession is easy compared with deciding when to re-apply the brakes so the economy does not overheat later .
18 From these considerations alone the justification of doubt as to the universality of the intra-familial relationships and development postulated by Freud , mentioned on page 64 , will be evident .
19 When work is complete on a range of entries only the text of the latest version of a new or changed entry is transferred to the main archive .
20 ‘ There is no appeal against individual cautions so the booking still stands , ’ he added .
21 Then she put lipstick on her mouth and pressed her lips together the way she had seen Alice do .
22 So now what 's happening is we 're before we 're doing an album we sit down and we pick out a lot of songs we decide right you know we need songs with good story books so the video is near enough planned with the recording of the song and it it 's a lot easier for us and a lot more enjoyable enough a lot more enjoyable .
23 This will be achieved by abolishing the court warning against uncorroborated evidence , widening the definition of rape within marriage , and using video-links so the accuser need not face the accused , an attack on the fundamental principles of jurisprudence .
24 The alternative is to simplify the statue and interpret it with larger shapes so the technique seems integrated .
25 The alternative is to simplify the statue and interpret it with larger shapes so the technique seems integrated .
26 Where it is clear that the contract-breaker would have taken the same steps anyway the inducement is not an effective cause of the loss .
27 The pattern of symptoms exhibited in Wernicke 's aphasia is in many respects exactly the opposite of that shown in Broca 's aphasia .
28 " Moons make speed to repair their heavenly losses " ( Michie 1964 ) ; " While , though , waning moons can mend their celestial losses " ( Leishman 1956 ) ; " Her losses soon the moon supplies " ( Johnson 1784 ) ; " But oh , whate'er the sky-led seasons mar , / Moon upon moon rebuilds it with her beams " ( Housman 1944 ) ; " These wounds of the wheeling skies are healed by the moons in their flying " ( Marsh 1940 ) .
29 If three months thereafter the landlord has not replied in writing to the tenant objecting to the proposed alterations , the tenant is entitled to presume that the landlord consents to the alterations .
30 The amalgamation of the Housing Corporation in Scotland with the Scottish Special Housing Association ( SSHA ) makes Scottish Homes both the nation 's biggest landlord and the prime source of finance for house building and refurbishment .
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