Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But after a bit my curiosity got the better of me and I spread my fingers slowly to peep through .
2 Write to the addresses below to find out who to contact in your country .
3 The group also has evidence , from the Azores , of volcanoes rising above the waves only to sink again and again beneath the weight of accumulating lava .
4 When a drover 's or farmer 's beasts went missing , they were liable to find their way into rogues ' hiding-places such as the deep cleft of the Devil 's Beef Tub near the source of the River Tweed above Moffat , where encircling hills seemed , according to Sir Walter Scott , to be ‘ laying their heads together to shut out the daylight from the dark hollow space between them ’ .
5 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
6 Nearly 150 heads of state , including most of the countries of the industrialized West , are putting their heads together to discuss how to curb the production of greenhouse gases , how to slow the depletion of the ozone layer , and how to stop the deforestation of the Amazonian rain forests .
7 ‘ Look , ’ Forester said urgently , and Carson could imagine his knuckles going white as he gripped the payphone receiver hard in an attempt to get his point across , ‘ my chance at having a kid 's been ruined , and the police and the government have got their heads together to cover up for the killer . ’
8 I told him about taking six months off and doing rep in the provinces just to get back in touch with live acting and live audiences and he reacted as if I told him I 'd had a mental breakdown .
9 Without going into matters which might be the subject of the inquiry , can the Secretary of State confirm , first , that there have been recurrent problems with the signalling at either end of the line , as a result of the damp ; and , secondly , the system in case of an emergency and a red light was for the relevant engine drivers physically to get out of the cab and use a telephone near the tunnel ?
10 After some time Jean advised me in the words above to go out and be alone with God and express my renewed affection for him .
11 Wolf identified himself with the existing élite of Anglo-Jewry in regarding Jewish emancipation in England as a success story , and expecting that the growth of tolerance would enable Jews elsewhere to live both within their ancestral religion and culture , and as full citizens of their respective countries .
12 And er are there any opportunities like to come back and work part time if you 've got children ?
13 He stood up and bent his knees slightly to take out the stiffness .
14 The veteran of 11 wars , including Vietnam , was seen by millions of television viewers when he was hit but returned months later to file more moving reports from the war zone .
15 Nevertheless , it is clearly important that pupils should have opportunities both to read silently and to listen to well-written books read aloud throughout their school years .
16 The London-based Social and Community Planning Research organisation was commissioned nine months ago to carry out a special study of Employment Training .
17 Phil Mitchell , ex-FYT field officer for the North West , and his wife Lyn , decided a few months ago to open up their home to young people .
18 Kalchu had brewed some millet beer months ago to ferment out ready for today and it was sweet and clear and very strong .
19 A couple of bands were hired several months ago to jolly up the celebrations , whose main participants appeared to be trade unionists who had been on free holidays to one of the last proletarian paradises .
20 ‘ I missed London desperately but I needed my clients here to sit up and and take notice of me and prove to them that I am fit , healthy and looking good again .
21 Langer has done a good deal of research into the evaluation of this approach to schema activation , and she is convinced that is helps poor readers and good readers alike to learn more from difficult textbooks .
22 It has been suggested that the Soviet political process produces tendencies for problems to be faced too late and for decision-makers then to push too fast and too far paying little heed to the impact of their decisions in other realms .
23 I send them on regular trips abroad to keep up to date with new technology … ’
24 I hope that our Government will encourage other EC states within the United Nations fully to back up the United Nations and put pressure on Turkey to find an early solution .
25 The vendor 's company may be able to carry earlier losses forward to set off against the gain or if the capital assets were bought by the company only within the past few years , it is possible that there may be a loss rather than a gain .
26 He explored the variables systematically to come up with a solution .
27 Right erm all the rules people are tired etcetera so their rates of and knowledge is probably downhill anyway and then we talk about thirty five minutes just to speed up make sure we train them , we 've given them all the input .
28 The city 's many chimney pots offer themselves in silhouette against the mildly energised off-black glow , but they neither smoke nor steam while God , lit with 25 watts , claws desperately to glance even faintly out of an over-high stained glass church windowledge .
29 On the other point about local education authorities My Lords , er it is quite depressing , I was er visiting a local education authority only two weeks ago where they had a five point educational strategy for the authority , one of those points was to oppose at all cost erm parents right to opt out .
30 He 's a very bright man , Michael Howard , but it 's quite clear that he 's much more concerned with grabbing the headlines and finding scapegoats , than with taking action through law that will actually improve the chance , both of preventing crime and of detecting crime , and then even more so , deterring people from re-offending , and it 's most distressing to see that when research showed that a particular non-custodial method of punishment is effective in perhaps fifty or seventy or eighty percent of cases , whereas prison is not , he goes for prison , he goes for picking on squatters , he goes for picking on the defendants right to silence so that we can see more people like er , jailed when they were innocent .
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