Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [subord] give " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Since it was possible to examine only a sample of such studies , what follows is aimed to reflect the fact of risk related fertility patterns rather than to give an accounting of the extent and paths of influence .
2 It is worth noting that Sir John Reresby appeared twice after his first entry , presumably as the owner of empty houses , and that women who were heads of households were often described as widows rather than given their Christian names .
3 The issue which divides your Lordships is whether this House should now reinterpret the principles lying behind the authorities so as to give a right of recovery in such circumstances .
4 It is ICI 's policy to manage all of its activities so as to give benefit to society , ensuring that they meet relevant laws and regulations ; that they are acceptable to the community at large ; and that their environmental impact is reduced to a practicable minimum .
5 ‘ Making Their Mark ’ could equally well have been called a mixed exhibition ; but this is a term more often used for a show put on by an exhibiting society , that type of artists ' organisation whose importance in Europe was created by the middle classes , who sought in the eighteenth century to buy pictures rather than give commissions , as aristocratic patrons had been accustomed to do .
6 It is for the courts to interpret those words so as to give effect to that purpose .
7 The feeling of being pressed against his solid , rock-hard body almost undid her completely , and for a moment she was forced to simply lean against him , her legs all but giving way beneath her .
8 His cajoling got him as far as the first landing , but then his legs all but gave out , and thereafter he had to climb using his one good arm to haul him onwards .
9 Although a court will generally strive to resolve uncertainties and ambiguities so as to give effect to a commercial contract wherever possible ( especially where the agreement is already partly executed ) , uncertainty or ambiguity may lead a court to conclude that the term is too uncertain to be enforceable , and in extreme cases the whole contract may be held to be void .
10 Then the courts interpret such phrases so as to give themselves more or less control as they wish .
11 Subjects seemed to provide No responses slower than giving Yes responses initially , but No response reaction time increased at a greater rate tending to converge with reaction time for Yes responses in larger memory sets of about four digits onwards .
12 I got pregnant because you spent all my life filling my head with romantic ideas rather than giving me any practical advice .
13 If they recovered and were friends she was delighted , and would flirt with them , and assume an easy physicality with them , and sleep with them again maybe , and break their hearts again if given half a chance .
14 The schoolfellows had been appointed to the Racer together through the efforts of a family friend of the Rogerses , and they serve together for much of their time at sea , occasionally allotted to different ships so as to give the author freedom to range more widely in space and circumstance .
15 Increasing wages so as to give greater net disposable income increases costs on the international market and makes our goods less competitive .
16 You will know how many rows there should be to the inch ( centimetre ) , all you need to do is to work a number of rows less than given in the instructions before finishing the sleeve .
17 I B M is just one of many companies , who now feel that lending employees rather than giving money , is a better way to work with a voluntary sector .
18 West Germany was still very prosperous in the late 1970s , improvements were being made in living standards and Schmidt was able to limit the difficulties in the economy , even if he often seemed to react to events rather than to give the country any real sense of direction .
19 ‘ Where the prosecution intends to lead evidence of verbal admissions or confessions , the defence should always be alerted before the start of the case of such intention and the terms of the admissions/confessions so as to give the defence an opportunity to determine whether or not to challenge the admissibility of the evidence . ’
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