Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her stained fingers deftly fold betel nut and spices into a betel leaf to hand the paan or a packet of cigarettes to customers who come to her .
2 Researchers rarely conduct research with a finished model of the causal process they want to test in mind .
3 Allocation of resources — Resourcing was a matter of concern , both the resources devoted to care programming and the way in which care programmes effectively allocate resources .
4 The uncertainty of such stop-go policies arguably reduced business confidence and discouraged investment .
5 The Russians bitterly opposed West German rearmament , pointing out that this broke the 1945 Potsdam agreement .
6 Her teeth badly needed treatment .
7 Some large securities firms have withdrawn from options market making due to inadequate returns thereby reducing market liquidity further , leading to less competitive quotes and irregular updating of prices .
8 His long , thin musician-fingers deftly manipulate wires and crystal .
9 However , it seems unlikely that in the foreseeable future they will attract sufficient students to make them viable as institutions predominantly offering courses of higher education .
10 The company personnel additionally comprises administration and logistics staff along with team leaders and testing technicians .
11 Emphasising that the early histories of anorexics rarely give evidence of gross neglect , and that terms like ‘ rejection ’ or ‘ lack of proper love ’ are unhelpful , she concludes that ‘ the details one learns are usually quite subtle ; the important aspect is whether the response to the child 's needs was appropriate or was superimposed , according to what the mother felt he needed , often mistakenly . ’
12 I do not therefore think either of these cases successfully enables counsel for the yard to avoid the rule in Stilk v. Myrick …
13 Childhood instincts caused the individual to turn , on those occasions when his self-confidence failed him , to animate and inanimate objects to which he ascribed comforting powers similar to those originating in his parents , and these real objects eventually gave way to the imaginary ones that became the first ‘ gods ’ .
14 As this model would predict , individuals in Belfast whose personal networks were closeknit tended to approximate closely to the stigmatized vernacular norms characteristic of the locality , which like other ‘ in-group ’ norms powerfully symbolized values of solidarity , reciprocity and to some extent opposition to standardized norms along with their associated values .
15 Similar in appearance are the cathedral corals , ( Sinularia species ) which are often purple in colour , and have fingerlike projections rather thank ridges on the polypary , thus being morphologically halfway between the encrusting leather corals and the bushy , tree-like soft corals , many of which are also species of Sinularia .
16 Knights naturally took precedence as the leading members of the class , and there is no difficulty about demonstrating that they were also the richest despite the existence of a good many whose incomes fell far short of £200 .
17 They contain endlessly frustrated plantation slaves who are rebellious at assessments and in encounters with professionals , but whose views only reach daylight in fragmented and unvalidated form ; and they contain house slaves who agree with everything that goes on and use ‘ massa 's ’ language and concepts , but who believe something else all the time and are waiting for the day .
18 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
19 The hand-over of those objects only took place after Iraq had lodged a complaint with the United Nations .
20 ‘ Previous reports on diet and health have told us we need to eat fruit and vegetables only to provide roughage , ’ says Professor James .
21 In practice , however , failures are often forestalled by governments that fear systemic contagion from the collapse of credit institutions ; and the authorities only allow mergers between big firms where they are convinced that competition will not suffer .
22 If the debt is unpaid at maturity the bank will in most cases only seek recourse to the exporter if non-payment is due to a contractual dispute .
23 However , these reactions only take place because of the presence of manufactured chlorine in the stratosphere .
24 Ferry companies need to get their acts together to make ferries safe .
25 Coleridge lived in London , and never returned to the North of England , so that meetings only took place on rare occasions .
26 The way in which authorities apparently withheld information about the explosion and fire at the Zaporizha plant in central Ukraine will also generate fresh opposition to the industry seven years after the Chernobyl disaster .
27 These telecoms authorities apparently regarded IBM as members of their purchasing club for computers .
28 The ‘ non-demographic ’ ( NDM ) projections only take account of expected trends in crime and the numbers sent to prison ; the ‘ demographic ’ ( DM ) projections also take into account expected changes in the age structure of the general population .
29 Comedy of humours basically means personality traits carried to excess .
30 Leonora Carrington , Leonor Fini and Meret Oppenehiem are amongst the many whose development as serious artists only took place outside Surrealism .
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