Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 This search must necessarily take place against a broader background of views about the relationship between linguistic factors and educational development .
32 Hall 's positive views about the timing of the judges ' appointments probably originated as early as 1835 , when the plans for the new Houses of Parliament were being considered .
33 This surfaced prominently in considering members ' views about the core work experience requirements for membership .
34 The first stage of the process involves a conventional fact-finding exercise , where representative staff are interviewed to determine views about the purpose of the organisation , the role of the staff , and any problems that are pertinent to the study .
35 They have mixed views about the benefit of lights when driving in fog .
36 Although there have been some famous poets who occupied this chair ( for example Matthew Arnold and W. H. Auden ) , it has much more commonly been occupied by dons ; and the point at issue when choosing candidates for the Chair of Poetry has very seldom been their views about the subject on which they are supposed to lecture , still less their competence to do so .
37 Afterwards the boy 's father decided to consult the local policeman to ask his views about the affair .
38 I find myself rather like the old shell man having to look both ways at once , because part of my division is is town and part of it is country and they have very different views about the by-pass erm
39 Three or four sharply conflicting views about the suitability of Michael Heseltine for the leadership of the Partei should it ever become vacant again .
40 Hayling in turn was delighted to meet a man whose friends described him as a ‘ non-conformist ’ compared with most City types , and one who had strong views about the way City investment was dominated by political advantage .
41 The implications for social policy are as follows : first , that the main determinants of welfare are economic ; second , that the government 's role in diverting resources into social policies must be seen to be closely interrelated with , even dependent upon , the role it plays in the management of the economy ; third , that social policies will be determined by views about the way the economy does , or should , operate .
42 But no matter how great the differences are between the various views about the way the BBC should go , I am sure a great deal unites us .
43 These three statements represent three benchmark views about the uniqueness of life .
44 This panel provides views about the issue to be forecast , each member working independently from hid or her colleagues .
45 The new Board was known to hold strong views about the replacement of tram services , particularly those where there was single track in narrow streets or worked by outdated rolling stock .
46 Kwame Nkrumah , who had himself used the press to mobilize support for his party and its nationalist demands against the British , developed strong views about the role of the media in the post-colonial period :
47 Such classifications inevitably simplify reality , but it is clear that different members may hold very different views about the role of local councillors .
48 Howard explains , hesitatingly , about how he is trying to establish contact , through parties like this , with as wide a cross-section as possible of people who sort of share his views about the world , and to act as a sort of focus of dissent and as a sort of clearing-house for sort of new ideas .
49 There are two broad views about the object of the exercise ( see Musgrave and Musgrave 1989 ) .
50 Such ideas , which derive from views about the place of humanity in nature that long pre-date Darwin and the birth of modern biology , very much misunderstand evolutionary theory .
51 A glance at any psychology textbook on the subject will reveal a variety of conflicting views about the nature and process of learning derived from widely different experiments with humans , rats , pigeons , monkeys , and even octopuses .
52 Despite the conflicting views about the nature and speed of future change , the concept of ‘ public service broadcasting ’ will continue to haunt its supporters and advocates .
53 For the last ten years or so , feminist commentators on social policy have remarked upon two particular features of the British social security system : first , that it is based on clear and consistent views about the nature of marriage and the economic and social relationship between husbands and wives ( Land and Parker , 1978 ; O'Donovan , 1979 ) ; and secondly , despite considerable changes in the position of women in society since the principles of the modern social security system were laid out in the Beveridge Report ( Beveridge , 1942 ) and consolidated in post-war legislation , the system itself and its principles have remained obstinately impervious to change ( Land , 1975 ) .
54 There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices , and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge .
55 Just as different theoretical schools within each of the social sciences , as well as the disciplines themselves , have various views about the nature of human behaviour , how it is conceptualised and conceived , the way in which this should be investigated , then they will also have different ideas about what sorts of things are to count as data .
56 Brown and Levin ( 1974 ) undertook an interview survey of workers to test their views about the impact of different levels of tax on their willingness to undertake overtime .
57 Despite his later expressed views about the distastefulness of holding the ceremony so close to the death of the Reverend King , and his saying that ‘ movies are n't made for tuxedos ’ , Dustin , in hired white tie and tails , was there to present the best cinematography award with Katharine Ross .
58 Others such as Maslow ( 1973 ) had proffered similar views about the potential of human development given appropriate nurturing opportunities for growth .
59 However , when the chiefs went into tribal lands to ask their views about the agreement , they received an emphatic direction , in every case except one , that the chiefs should reject the agreement and have nothing to do with it .
60 One is faced , then , with two conflicting views about the dating of the Muftilik of Abdulkerim : first , the view of the that he was Mufti in the time of Mehmed II , perhaps from 870/1465–6 onwards ; and second , the view of the writers connected with the later tradition , Mustakimzade half-excepted , that he was Mufti in the time of Bayezid II , more precisely , following Molla Gurani , from 893/1488 to Rajab 900/March-April 1495 .
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