Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] for any " in BNC.

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1 He made himself agreeable to the earl 's squires in the stableyard , and kept his ears open for any revealing mentions of Robert Bossu 's tastes , temperament and interests , and what he garnered was encouraging .
2 Remembering his duty , he strode briskly up the stairs , keeping his eyes open for any suspicious signs .
3 Questions 1 to 4 cover considerations necessary for any type of intervention but they are not arranged in a logical , systematic order .
4 Another case of comparatively recent vintage , Re Bell 's Indenture [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1217 , confirmed that a solicitor in the ordinary course of his business has the implied authority of his partners to accept trust moneys as agent of the trustees but has no such authority to accept office as trustee and so make his co-partners liable for any misapplication of trust property .
5 Fundamentally , the reason is that the properties of DNA that we have identified turn out to be the basic ingredients necessary for any process of cumulative selection .
6 ( 2 ) Provided that where after a partner 's death the partnership business is continued in the old firm-name , the continued use of that name or of the deceased partner 's name as part thereof shall not of itself make his executors or administrators estate or effects liable for any partnership debts contracted after his death .
7 Despite tough talk about holding Saddam Hussein and his officers accountable for any war crimes , there is little enthusiasm in London for seeking jurisdiction inside Iraq after the war , or pursuing a defeated Iraqi president through his country .
8 Cell walls are covered with fantasy women , always available , pouting and meaningless , two-dimensional figures available for any kind of degradation and brutality you want to inflict .
9 I have never felt so much that I was in a foreign country with seemingly infinite resources available for any purpose you care to name , from stretch automobiles to space travel .
10 No ship 's company was ever so well looked after , with plenty to eat and drink ; and a barrel of apples open for any man to take one .
11 At that time few television sets in Nigeria had the facility to receive UHF , and some state government spokesmen have accused the Federal authorities of deliberately making things difficult for any new state television station .
12 This second point is illustrated by the decision in White v John Warwick & Co Ltd [ 1953 ] 1 WLR 1285 where a contract for the hire of a tricycle contained a clause which provided that " nothing in this agreement shall render the owners liable for any personal injuries to the riders of the machine hired " .
13 ‘ I 'm not one of your empty-headed bimbos grateful for any attention your ego can spare .
14 If the problem is to be resolved now , the only option open to the Killinchy Club is to try for a date outside of the month of May 1994 , which would leave all the options open for any North West date .
15 That we were grateful to Miss Stonedale and Miss Stott was frequently evidenced by entries in the Food Suggestion Book such as ‘ That the Bursar be thanked for banana custard in Hall last night ’ , signed by a string of appreciative consumers grateful for any tasty variation from the limited wartime menu recalled by many .
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