Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To explore the differences between written dialogue and what people actually say to one another we need to examine the relationship between the written word and other aspects of lived experience .
2 This contact would account for the observed cooperativity of binding of multiple repressors to extended tandem repeats of met box sequences in natural operators .
3 It was hard to tell because his face was masked with ribbons of caked blood , and his eyes were just slits in a puffy mess of red and black bruises .
4 Daily it devours whole forests and countless hours of sweated labour .
5 Three areas of made ground were present on the line of the road , the most significant of these three being the backfilled quarry area at Straiton which resulted from the extraction of the limestone by opencast methods to a maximum depth of 16 metres .
6 Estimates based on volumes of erupted material in fact show that the discharge from volcanoes forming island arcs and continental-margin orogens averages a very modest 1 km 3 a- 1 This rate has no doubt varied somewhat through geological time as the rate of lithospheric subduction has changed .
7 At a cost of $6 million ( £3.3 million ) Japanese architect Arata Isozaki is completing the conversion which retains original details such as the building 's cast-iron columns but introduces exciting new features including a pair of grand steel staircases leading to the first floor , a sharply angled flight of stairs linking to a cafeteria in the basement ( this feature will be completed only after the museum closes for a month at the end of August ) , and panels of etched glass which create a soft filter for natural light .
8 ‘ I brought the first sixty pages of Fallen Angel . ’
10 The challenge to the ‘ … purist aesthetics of modernism ’ issued by these contemporary women artists lies in their willingness to use paint to reference the interplay between emotional , intellectual , cultural and social facets of lived reality .
11 The structure of the complex ( Fig. 1 ) shows two repressor dimers bound to a single duplex oligonucleotide , with the noncrystallographic 2-fold axes of the dimers roughly coincident with local DNA 2-fold axes passing through the centres of met box sequences , between base pairs 4 and 5 , and 12 and 13 , respectively ( see legend to Fig. 4 for DNA numbering scheme ) .
12 During 1992 , 150 items of found property were handed in to the Police at Dounreay .
13 They showed on video film documents leaked by a source in the State Security Service giving details of the surveillance operation , including transcripts of bugged telephone conversations .
14 The action occupies roughly the lower half of the frame and the painting fills the central area of the upper half — at the sides are some bits of built set , in miniature .
15 When the boundaries of overlaid polygon networks are highly correlated ( e.g. as for certain types of administrative areas ) serious problems are created through the introduction of large numbers of ‘ spurious ’ sliver polygons .
16 I hardly remember what Mrs Girdlestone looked like , other than that she was plump and elderly , and gave an impression of being prepared for battle ; but I was touched when I saw the tea that had been laid out ready for me , imagining the two ladies conferring about the slices of bought ham , the thin bread-and-butter , and the bought cake .
17 Appraisal drilling was successfully undertaken on the MacCulloch field and three wells in operated block 16/12a progressed the appraisal of the South Birch and Pine fields .
18 The most recent amendments to the Building Regulations have finally introduced requirements for found floor insulation in new homes .
19 The Middle East in particular , with very low oil costs and large amounts of entrained gas , starts with an almost unbeatable comparative advantage in terms of its raw material costs , which in the petrochemical business typically are over half of the total cost picture .
20 Unmarked boxes of jointed meat with forged inspection stamps are being sold into the bulk meat trade .
21 On its own , this range of error could produce estimates of needed expenditure per child in an Authority of £222 to £300 ; if combined with the previous range of errors , the maximal errors might range from £142 to £410 per child .
22 As with the Americans and the Russians , Britain 's post-war rocket research began with firings of captured German V-2 rockets .
23 Henry went on to point out the evils of sweated labour and the pay make-up system , how it fostered a disinclination to work and how it encouraged landless men to marry just so that their income would be augmented ‘ in proportion to the number of their children ’ , and how it led to degradation of the character : ‘ The weak , the indolent , and worthless worker is now secure of the maximum payment settled by the standards you have determined from parish funds , and the industrious , skilful and honest workman can expect no more … the pernicious and demoralising practice of paying wages out of rates … ought to be suppressed and prohibited . ’
24 This highly acclaimed improvisation team kick off the festival with 3 nights of honed chaos .
25 The choice between the different types of bought space outlined below will depend partly on the product or service in question and partly on the available budget .
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