Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the reasons are greater mobility before retirement , which enables them to acquaint themselves with alternative residential locations , and the financial advantages of moving from larger to smaller houses , perhaps in less expensive areas ( Law and Warnes 1976 ) .
2 The main parts are of mahogany , but the spindles are lighter wood , possibly ash or yew ?
3 The New Zealand backline looked erratic compared with England 's , but the New Zealanders are better players than Hamilton would suggest .
4 Cooperative groups are better problem-solvers than competitive ones .
5 The screening of procedures , the control of prescriptions and the identification of patient groups are further benefits for doctors and for patients .
6 Larger , ‘ executive ’ cars are poorer value to buy new , because their value drops so sharply in the first few years .
7 According to Tillyard , however , true cross-veins are later developments ; they are never preceded by tracheae and are almost always devoid of macrotrichia .
8 Interwoven with these images are subtler references to the metaphorical borderlines which separate Latin American culture from that of Europe and North America .
9 It is sometimes argued that certain subjects are better vehicles for a liberal education than others , because they are concerned with the human rather than merely the natural , or are reflexive rather than merely instrumental ; hence the term ‘ liberal ’ has been most often associated with the arts , and in this century social sciences , though it has been used of some science courses as well ( e.g. ‘ Liberal Studies in Science ’ ) .
10 The least likely takers are older people in a good company pension scheme .
11 The four guest bedrooms are later additions , and constitute a separate ‘ wing ’ with their own entrance .
12 In what medical specialisms are older people treated ?
13 The laboratory where the scanning equipment was developed was visited today by a Government Minister , who said the pictures were better value for money than sending astronauts into space .
14 Locks and keys are further examples of artefacts introduced to Britain by the Romans .
15 Government purchasing power should also ensure that all ingredients are better quality , healthier and fresher .
16 At four corners are smaller octagons , replicas in design of the large one and all very tall .
17 The loss is reparable , but your lives are greater worth . ’
18 Town and city guidebooks are further sources of information .
19 On the whole , radio stations are friendlier places than TV stations and have a good deal of time to fill with non-controversial general interest material .
20 Efforts to divert people experiencing minor difficulties from becoming applicants are further dimensions of primary prevention ; for example , advice , guidance and signposting services provided through patch-based offices or attachments to health centres , schools , and hospitals ( Sundel and Homan , 1979 ) .
21 One could speculate that behaviour would continue to improve , although at a decreasing rate , with it perhaps approaching a plateau somewhere below the optimum ; one might also want to speculate that there would be different plateaus for different people — reflecting the ‘ fact ’ that some individuals are better decision-makers than others .
22 By contrast , the fastest growing places were smaller cities and towns at some distance from the major metropolitan centres , most of them involving overspill arrangements under the New or Expanded Towns schemes such as Milton Keynes ( Bucks . ) ,
23 What the economy needs is narrower ownership .
24 This difference in size between the sexes has evolved because males have to fight in order to obtain and maintain a harem , and bigger males are better fighters .
25 Slowing down means that roads have to be crossed with more care and that bad road and pavement conditions are greater hazards .
26 Smaller families are healthier families from the perspective of both mother and children .
27 When , in 1988 , the School Boards Act provided for almost all education authority schools in Scotland to have their own boards , major aims were greater involvement of parents in school affairs , increased contact between school and the community , and the progressive freeing of education authorities from routine school administration .
28 last May 28 out of 80 prints were later impressions
29 The big four would do well to discover that helping their customers is better business than trampling on them .
30 The existence of league tables was further evidence for older officers of inroads into their enforcement discretion and of lack of knowledge among their senior staff of the hard realities of pollution control work .
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