Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
2 It is , perhaps , ironic that those who hid away and escaped expulsion and quietly re-established themselves in their homelands are now the most prosperous redskins around .
3 : In some environments ( e.g. doctors ' note-taking on hospital wards ) speech or typed input would be deemed inappropriate for social reasons , whereas handwritten notes are already an established procedure ;
4 Your notes are ultimately a personal activity .
5 It is said , in effect , that their acts are necessarily the company 's acts ; that their will , knowledge , and belief are those of the company , and that their consent necessarily implies consent by the company .
6 It the belief becomes current in public opinion that in the arguments between government and opposition it is not really a matter of opposing opinions being presented , then the impression will increasingly gain currency that parliamentary discussions are just a game .
7 The reasons are partly the growth of new research in technology and science but as important is the current of ideas and information generated by modern global media .
8 But there are many reasons , as you will see when we put our amendment asking why are budget proposals are different from the ruling groups but the main reasons are simply the ruling group 's refusal , for whatever reason , I just wan na hear the reasons .
9 As was pointed out in chapter 4 through Lévi-Strauss 's example of the Australian Churinga , material objects are often the principal means of objectifying a sense of the past .
10 For , as he says in the introduction to his essay on the tales of Henry James , ‘ criticism seeks to interpret a particular work , while structuralism , for its part , is a scientific method implying an interest in impersonal laws and forms , of which existing objects are only the realizations , ( 1973 : 73 ) .
11 No matter how one acts , desires have to depend upon resources to some extent ; actual possessions are partly the criterion of those aspired to .
12 Their accounts are primarily the taxman 's and the banks ' business .
13 In other public sector organizations which adopt the cash basis of accounting , the capital accounts are essentially the same as the revenue accounts although the two are kept separately .
14 There was also the possibility of a more flexible use of facilities in the statutory , voluntary and private sectors , and , finally , the powerful influence of doctors over the lives of the chronically disabled would inevitably wane , a process of ‘ de-medicalization ’ which is largely to be welcomed as medical and nursing skills are only a small part of the required professional skills .
15 These skills are perhaps no better illustrated than by the finds from the ship-burial at Sutton Hoo .
16 One approach to debunking the distinctiveness of the Thatcher record is to argue that the post-1979 policies are merely a continuation of earlier trends , for example , of the early economic policies of Mr Heath 's 1970 government or of the acceptance of monetary targets and abandonment of Keynesianism under the Callaghan — Healey regime in 1976 .
17 It is further evidence that its policies are merely the result of what its paymasters , the trade unions , say .
18 I mean and I think it is the lack of the regulate the er the regulatory control of city actions , I mean one of the points that we 've been recently been advised on is that one of the city institutions which has already been er fined , er from its London office on a technicality is in effect the New York and London offices are deemed to be one entity and I think that er what we 've been advised is that erm I forget the phrase , I wrote it down here somewhere , that what we would be advised to do is to take action against that particular city institution in New York , because that er it is deemed that the London and New York actions are in fact one and that the that er what in fact the er and I think the f yes , there it is , that , that in a way though what we 've been advised is that the basis of that action would be that the organisations London and New York operations are essentially the same operation and bound by a strict know your customer rule as mandated by U S Securities Law , you know .
19 Their attitudes are clearly a significant factor in whether the technical innovation is successful .
20 The subject matter taught is much the same ; the approaches are much the same ; the anticipated outcomes are much the same ; and the teachers ' and learners ' attitudes are much the same .
21 Food preferences are obviously a very individual matter .
22 MANAGEMENT buy-outs are still a major option , even in the depths of the recession , says venture capitalist 3i .
23 Pregnant dolphins and mother/calf pairs are understandably the most severely affected by this ordeal .
24 SuperCalc is more colourful than 1-2-3 in its basic livery , but the icons are just a few abbreviations on the screen
25 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
26 For example , it is possible that clinical cases are only an extreme form of a normal reaction to the short winter days .
27 These five groups of cases are perhaps the most important .
28 The most superficial phenomena are sometimes the most profound .
29 Children 's activities are also a high priority , with art workshops and dance courses taking place on a regular basis .
30 One told him that in the residential sector , placing authorities are often the last to realise that client abuse is going on .
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