Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the groups that eschew unconventional behaviour — and there may be tactical as well as principled reasons for doing so — the focus and target of pressure is likely to be the people who make the laws and policies and/or the people who implement them .
2 De Valois , Ashton and MacMillan have studied paintings and drawings by English artists and/or the words of such great playwrights as Shakespeare and translated them into gestures for which the dancer 's whole body has to play a part .
3 In passages which resonate with the spirit of Bagehot , ‘ a man of genius ’ , Dicey argues that the ‘ rule of a party can not be permanently identified with the authority of the nation or with the dictates of patriotism ’ and that ‘ while popular government may be under wise leadership a good machine for simply destroying existing evils , it may turn out a very poor instrument for the construction of new institutions or the realisation of new ideals ’ The limitations in practice of his belief in ‘ democracy tempered by snobbishness ’ are finally conceded :
4 Many ventures which begin life as EEIGs will , if successful , need to progress to full integration , earning their own profits , enjoying limited liability and providing a basis on which capital can be raised from institutions or the public .
5 the nature of the relationship between political institutions or the state and the mass media , and i the nature of the media ‘ audience ’ .
6 Holistic theories suggest that racism can not be eliminated without the radical transformation of state , economy and civil society — whether this entails the dismantling of key institutions or the overthrow of the power structure as a whole .
7 What was not understood was that when you sweep away a feudal society , you do not overnight change the institutions or the casts of thought that have been built up over centuries .
8 So , it is not the country of domicile of economic institutions or the classes that dominate them that is the primary consideration in explaining how the global system works , but rather the structural locations of institutions and classes in the global capitalist system .
9 In addition to this , candidates are required to submit a dissertation on a topic The course has been developed with a view to preparing students for proceeding to research work in their field , or seeking employment in cultural institutions or the media .
10 Cleaning invariably begins and ends at the sink whether installations use domestic equipment or the 450 litre giants or the catering ‘ plonge ’ .
11 According to tradition , many sites , both natural and artificial , were formed by giants or the devil .
12 Some fair at the Invalides or the Champs-Elyseés hat disgorged them , and Flaubert was eager to share their rediscovery with his friend .
13 Not particularly but I understand that er it is , you now have the whole of China which small areas erm relatively small areas , you 've now got the whole thing , I mean if you start initiating very radical reforms , as you say you do n't have the personnel or the resources to erm to prevent a , you know , a big change disruption .
14 perhaps it would be a good The Times or The Guardian
15 Clearly you would n't write in the same way for the Sun as you would for the Times or the Financial Times or the Guardian , or the Cambridge local paper .
16 There would be a nice smell of baking and we 'd be chatting about old times or the grandchildren .
17 a T V Times ? or Radio Times or the paper .
18 The individual bourgeois who felt called upon to comment on public matters knew that a letter to The Times or the Neue Freie Presse would not merely reach a large part of his class and the decision makers , but , what was more important , that it would be printed on the strength of his standing as an individual .
19 17% of urban adult and a mere 2% of rural Zambians read the Times or the Mail every day .
20 Nannies & the Law , Insurances etc
21 Moreover , although the Party probably enrolled rather more members among workers , intelligentsia , and artisans than either the Mensheviks or the Bolsheviks in this period , the prime constituency towards which it turned — the peasantry — remained very difficult to organize .
22 And erm the we are given or they h one of the reasons or the purposes behind Confirmation is to give us the strength to use the gifts which God 's al has already given us .
23 Their policies drew little disapproval from sports authorities or the rest of the white population .
24 All of this is familiar uncontroversial stuff , and the Labour Party proposals for increasing the power of the House of Commons are not at odds with the perspective of the constitutional authorities or the Liberals and Social Democrats .
25 Ring fencing needs to be enshrined in the legislation to prevent the funds from being diverted by regional health authorities or the Government .
26 However , despite the importance of the issue , there has been little empirical research on the ways in which decisions are currently made by the prison authorities or the implications of these decisions for the prison service .
27 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
28 The issues about which respondents expressed concern included the use made of the results by , variously , the police authorities and the IRA , and the associated question of whether the field-worker was a spy for the authorities or the Republican paramilitaries ( on researchers as spies see Hunt 1984 : 288–9 ; Manning 1972 : 248 ) ; the obtrusiveness of the ethnographer 's ubiquitous notepad ; sensitivity to how the research might compromise their personal security or lead to a transfer , and worthies over the field-worker 's religion ; and the whole focus and topic of the investigation .
29 The upshot is that Marx never even concerns himself with questions such as the relation between individual perceptions to objects or the texture of feelings , sensations and thoughts , which might have led him towards a theory of where individuality occurs .
30 For example , in the celebrated Royal Mail Steam Packet case ( R v Kylsant and Morland ( 1931 ) 75 Acct LR 62 ) it was argued in court that if the accounts or the audit reports had shown the enterprise 's true financial position , it would have encouraged competitors to engage in predatory pricing so as to drive the company out of business .
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