Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time .
2 At the moment our whole economy is based on natural found hydrocarbons — oil , petrol — as these begin to run out , then we 've got to find a way of making these or substitutes for them , and this is what chemistry is all about , making new compounds or making old compounds in new ways .
3 If the driver does not respond , a back-up system automatically applies the brakes or makes less engine power available .
4 The personal , ‘ background ’ characteristics that make one person 's voice recognisably different from another .
5 If you have a small bathroom , look for manufacturers that make fitted bathroom furniture , with the washbasin , toilet ( and sometimes bidet ) set into storage cupboards .
6 The salaries of staff , the replacement of vital instruments and many large items had to be funded from the National Health Service funds , so that there was never enough left to buy the extra comforts that made all the difference to the welfare of the patients .
7 It is offering rates on hire purchase deals for new cars that make independent finance houses wince — and grabbing greatly increased market share as a result .
8 I 'm sure that Ruth searches her heart , she , she may of made her decision lightly way back to go with Ruth er , to go with Naomi but not now , its a heart searching decision she makes , the choice before her , do I go back or do I go , do I go on , do I go back to Moah with its familiarity with all the things I am aware of or do I go on into the unknown with my mother in law and with her god Auper makes a choice and she goes back and Ruth had , Ruth says no and she makes the commitment and she says there , in verse sixteen , do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you , for where you go I will go and where you lodge , I will lodge , your people should be my people and your god my god and its those last few words that makes all the difference , your god will be my god , I will not be a stranger there , I will not be an alien there , I will be part of your people , and the only way she could be part of Naomi 's people was for Naomi 's god to be her god , that was the thing that kept , that was , that was the common denominated should all of Naomi 's people , because they all belonged
9 Scenes of triumph in the papacy 's long struggle for political and spiritual dominion were presented in pictures that made contemporary and future generations aware of past landmarks in its eventful history .
10 Reynolds it was who strung together the rackets that made those blistering returns .
11 We would also like to make contact with schools that make special efforts to interest students in science either within the class room or in extracurricular activities .
12 also like to make contact with schools that make special efforts to interest students in science either within the class room or in extracurricular activities .
13 The main emphasis of the plan is to look for small and inexpensive solutions , and it places the onus on governments in the East to take steps that make economic sense .
14 He concentrated on staying on the front foot , took few risks and made 35 from 45 deliveries with seven fours , then played Morrison on .
15 And while it is easy enough for an experienced journalist to write that synopsis from memory ( checking for the elusive name of Software Arts and making sure that it really was PrairieTek that vanished last year ) , it would take a deal of research and above all deep thought to put together a dissertation on why things panned out the way they did , the fatal mistakes , the good decisions that each company made to achieve triumph or disaster , or both in quick succession .
16 A lifetime of measuring men 's inside legs and making weak jokes about dressing on the right side or the left — ‘ of the bedroom , I mean , sir !
17 Leave blank lines between paragraphs and make frequent use of headings to hold the reader 's interest .
18 Software is held by these organizations and made available to potential users to evaluate .
19 The secret for any cat-phobic individuals who want to keep their distance is to lean towards a cat , stare fixedly at it with wide-open eyes and make agitated hand movements , asking the cat in strident tones to come and sit on their laps .
20 The slight figure of a woman emerged from the hotel and stood on the steps leading down to the terrace , scanning the tables with anxious eyes and making agitated , jerky movements with her hands .
21 Well , well they 've just sold a player to Leicester for eighty five thousand and they , they bought a fella from Port Vale on a free transfer , well he 's a Richard they 've bought him back again , only with a , all due respect but er now he 's got he 's playing very well with Leicester now , and he 's , he 's scored two goals and made one the other Saturday , and , and everyone , every match since he 's been there every time he 's played .
22 This predicament forced him to examine his goals and to make one last push for the success which had eluded him for so long .
23 Here , on an acre formerly abounding in thistles and docks , we have woven our own covert of windbreaks and fuchsia bushes and make great play of raising cabbages where cabbages — or at least , where sweetcorn , courgettes and petits pois — were hardly intended to grow .
24 There are those who shake their heads and make negative noises about guidebooks like this , but there is an argument that says the publication of a Corbetts guide could take some of the pressure off the Munros .
25 So it 's about culture , training , opportunities and to make sure that people from whatever walk of life , and whatever gender or race or ability to have , or disability , do not under achieve .
26 Cars must go back to the A683 beyond Barbon and that road followed south to the next village of Casterton , which has a school founded for the daughters of clergy and made famous by its association with the Brontë sisters .
27 Sears is to dispose of its menswear division and , as part of its reorganisation of the British Shoe Corporation , the company is to close 350 shops and make 1,800 redundancies over the next three years .
28 I do have to watch what he eats very carefully , give him his injections and make sure he eats regularly .
29 I did n't say so , because the idea was too unpleasant to be clothed in words and made visible .
30 Send in your stories in no more than 300 words and make sure they reach us by March 30 .
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