Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On both sides , however , these views may merge into others which are more starkly contrasted : the idea of a reformist path to socialism may be transformed into a total preoccupation with reforming the existing society and a virtual renunciation of socialism as the ultimate goal ; the revolutionary approach may develop into a rejection of every kind of struggle for reforms as being positively inimical to the growth of a revolutionary class consciousness , the adoption of a politique du pire and the expectation of a catastrophic breakdown of capitalism from which a band of dedicated revolutionaries will lead the masses into socialism .
2 Objects may move between departments , as new departments are formed either by evolving from existing ones or merging with others ( fig. 10.2 ) .
3 Anthropologists , in turn , have attempted to argue that , for example , the transition from brideservice , in which labour is performed by the prospective groom , to bridewealth , where objects are given in exchange for the bride , marks a significant difference in the development of a phenomenon whereby objects may stand for human labour , with the implication that this is the first stage towards the conditions of property and alienation as we know them today ( Strathern 1985 ) .
4 Objects may appear at infrared wavelengths because they are cool , because they are obscured by dust that transmits only longer wavelengths , or because their intrinsic mechanism of radiation cuts off at wavelengths shorter than infrared .
5 Finally , professional groups have distinct cultures , norms and values and these cultures may come into conflict .
6 It can make teachers more aware of the importance of attitudes towards language and how their own attitudes may result in reactions which discriminate against children with less ‘ prestigious ’ forms of speech .
7 Equally , emotional attitudes may figure as standard causes of certain sorts of utterance .
8 It is also concerned with preventive teratology ( embryological deformities ) such as spina bifida and other neural-tube defects , and the protection against such defects that a course of multivitamin tablets may give before pregnancy .
9 On the contrary , it is possible that greater training in counselling skills may lead to a more skilfully directed and efficient interview .
10 These skills may build on families ' coping capacities and lessen coercion , especially in situations where risks and needs are great .
11 For the foreseeable future , however , the inherent weaknesses of unionization in agriculture seem likely to continue to haunt the N U A A W. The falling number of agricultural workers , the urban influences that are spreading across tracts of once ‘ truly rural ’ countryside and the changing nature of the farm worker 's skills may conspire in any case to lead to a reappraisal of the need for a separate farm workers ' union .
12 As with external assessment in the primary phase , we believe that new methods of testing pupils ' reading skills may need to be devised , building on the best of GCSE practice .
13 Such contacts may occur on Work Experience , during Mini-Enterprise , or an industrial visit or within a GCSE project or module .
14 In fact , internal conflicts may exist within the bureaucracy as different sectors within it compete for scarce resources .
15 Old unresolved conflicts may need to be exposed rather than hidden or disguised .
16 Dyeing is considered a science , whose secrets are handed down from generation to generation , and when the dyer is working , only other dyers may speak to him .
17 Some roads may have to be narrowed to single-track width in order to force lorries onto the central sections which are sufficiently strong to bear their weight .
18 ( WES ) So many people now descend on the Wye Valley every summer that conservationists say some roads may have to be closed at peak times to restrict the number of visitors .
19 The latter should be reinforced by regulating what personnel may carry into the warehouse , on entry , together with an effective disciplinary procedure agreed by employees and unions .
20 And although some personnel may sit on several committees of the various bodies this is not enough to ensure adequate liaison , because there may be a conflict of loyalties .
21 Contrary to the general principles of distribution certain products may have to be restricted to named users who have special training .
22 It may therefore provide the incentive for the most thorough pre-purchase behaviour , and marketers hoping to supply such products may have to be prepared for extensive enquiry and investigation before they will manage to sell any of them .
23 The study also specifically addresses the impact multimedia information products may have on traditional information sectors such as library services , publishing and bookselling so may be of interest to readers active in these areas .
24 Firstly , it is widely accepted , though admittedly not conclusively established , that major ice ages may result from the siting of large continental masses in the polar regions , because only in such circumstances can extensive ice sheets become established , with significant consequences for world climate ( Frakes , 1979 ) .
25 Even if your reaction is mild , it 's worth remembering that repeated exposure to foods that cause allergic reactions may result in the symptoms getting gradually worse .
26 These reactions may fade over time , but at the moment they are still quite a strong influence in Zimbabwean society .
27 A high proportion of disciplinary interactions may reflect ( as in the case of Deacondale ) a lack of ‘ oblique ’ disciplinary strategies and a tendency to adopt a more confrontational style ; and a high proportion of routine interactions may stem from an excessively complex organization or an inability to engage in depth with the content of the tasks given to one 's pupils .
28 In areas of multipath , several minutes may elapse between successive occurrences of successful reception and decoding of the groups carrying the CT data .
29 It is not for us to decide whether or not a book is racist or obscene or seditious ; society has laid down laws to make such judgments and has conferred upon statutory bodies the power to advise and assess on such matters — however imperfect or fickle such institutions may appear in their assessments .
30 Different professional institutions may define to a greater or lesser extent the modes and their mix .
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