Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have first " in BNC.

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1 And in that time I became very close to the bunch of desperadoes I 'd first flown out with .
2 The government had refused seven of 17 demands which had first been presented by the UITUA on April 9 ( although receiving little news coverage ) .
3 As Mr Charles , our chief male nurse and I passed each other on our way to and from the admission ward and our offices we had first one and then another sorry tale to tell .
4 The profound changes in the economy and society which had swept the old feudal practices away were for Marx and Engels merely an expression of the profound changes which had first taken place in the mode of production .
5 Stations , hotels , and all other railway works were capitalized on the mineral riches which had first attracted the Spanish .
6 The petitioners wanted to know whether a legacy of liberatio to them in the first will could now be held to include debts they had first contracted after the making of the first will ; and whether , if the heirs were to sue them for that , they could be barred by an exceptio doli .
7 His prep crew had coptered in a few days ago , but it was psychologically important for the movement that the first arrivals turn up in the old way , like the Mormon pioneers who had first built by the Salt Lake and made the desert bloom .
8 The report was able to recount what had been done in the first year of effort of the newly-organised national campaign for emancipation but to stress continuity through reliance on the circulation of pamphlets by Wilberforce and Clarkson ; reformers were ‘ thus enabled to proceed under the conduct of the same veteran Champions who had first led the battle against the African Slave Trade and who had pursued it to its final extinction ’ .
9 It was while teaching a form called ‘ the sink ’ — the exam failures and the less bright — that he came to that perception which all good teachers share : to inspire pupils you have first to gain their attention and one of the best ways of doing that is through humour and anecdote .
10 The Tower reputedly housed a library of treatises , grimoires , cyclopaedias and symposia second to none , collected by Roxborough and the group of Fifth Dominion magi who 'd first supported the attempt at the Reconciliation .
11 Then he repaid into a High Commission Jamaican dollar account the equivalent , in official-rate Jamaican dollars , of the amount of US dollars he had first removed .
12 His breath smelt of the black pickled olives she had first tasted on the voyage from Dingle .
13 Laura liked the idea , partly because it was a way of avoiding import duty , but also because the eastern Kentucky women who worked at the factory were similar to the Welsh women she had first hired in the Sixties ; rural , with strong ties to family and community and skilful seamstresses by upbringing .
14 And the team talks he had first started at Leeds heightened their sense of involvement .
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