Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
2 Share values are assumed to reflect the stream of future earnings obtainable from them , but the future is unknown ( though shareholders naturally have expectations ) .
3 Like phonemes themselves , words only have significance in relation to other words and as part of a total system of classification .
4 Regan ( 1977 ) complains about the lack of statistics on their background but says there are still some subject areas where inspectors only have experience of grammar and independent schools .
5 Schools already have access to Prestel and other hosts using the same equipment .
6 There are plans to enlist students who can already handle computers — about 50 per cent of California 's high schools and 20 per cent of its elementary schools already have computers .
7 Modern pieces of equipment include whirlpool or spa baths ( whirlpools inject a mixture of air and water , spa baths just have air jets ) , a power shower ( with a choice of jets ) , fitted bathroom cupboards and , if you have space , exercise equipment .
8 I believe bus drivers already have radio communication ; could they perhaps use it to report the illegally parked vehicle and summon a towaway unit ?
9 Stouts usually have gravities in the middle 1040s .
10 Stouts usually have gravities in the middle 1040s .
11 Finally , if my readers still have doubts about the general drift of my argument , let me ask them how else we are to explain why modern revolutionary movements which always aim to free those who believe in them always end by enslaving them ?
12 But individual nations also have recourse to the selective use of various devices for bending the rules of international free trade .
13 Tourist organizations also have information about archaeological sites and museums , and will have details of any events taking place at sites — reconstructions of past battles , displays , and demonstrations of ancient crafts , to name but a few .
14 Some inorganic compounds with covalent characteristics also have chain structures .
15 Animals also have tensions when they are in activity , but they instinctively know how to relax .
16 Both pythons and pit vipers also have heat sensors in the mouth .
17 The following are examples of the three congruence variants : finger is a congruent meronym of hand ; doctor is a hypo-converse of patient , and patient a super-converse of doctor , because , for instance , dentists also have patients ; index is a semi-meronym of book , because there are books without indexes , and indexes which are not part of a book .
18 However there is psycholinguistic evidence indicating that human listeners also have problems identifying the first few words in an utterance .
19 Many polytechnics also have TEC and BEC courses but there is little evidence of the information skills requirements in their courses in this sector .
20 Most pupils are now familiar with the teletext information pages on television 's Ceefax and Oracle facilities and many schools now have access to Prestel ( see Chapter 7 ) .
21 As several of these clients now have windows 3.1 , I thought it would be a good idea to get this running on my Epson ( once again , not for multitasking — purely for single user experience ) .
22 Many leading manufacturers now have women 's models in their ranges with designs catering for the shorter back length , wider hips and more pronounced bottom .
23 The insurers now have groups of approved repairers and it is often easier for a customer to use those , than to go off and find their own repairer .
24 The younger animals sometimes have trouble navigating ( nor surprising , if you 're walking backwards and your own rather large bottom is blocking your view ) , and frequently get into quite a pickle , backing into fences , down ledges or into trees !
25 Dreaming does not seem to be confined to our own species : research on the subject would appear to indicate that animals likewise have dreams : we have all seen a sleeping dog twitch as it ‘ chases rabbits ’ .
26 Such solutions essentially have W non-zero , and hence Z and Ε are complex .
27 Divisional heads therefore have incentives that , compared to the U-form , are aligned more closely with corporate ( global ) goals and which discourage over-pursuit of functional ( sub-global ) goals .
28 Soviet commanders already have Foxhound in service , and another two types of fighter with similar abilities will soon follow .
29 If there are statements by the Minister or other promoter of the Bill , these may throw as much light on the ‘ mischief ’ which the Bill seeks to remedy as do the white papers , reports of official committees and Law Commission reports to which the courts already have regard for that purpose .
30 Most gardens only have space for a few trees and in a small plot they are almost always in view , therefore careful choice is essential .
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