Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The duke was made justiciar of south Wales and steward of Cantrefmawr and Cardiganshire , which completed his collection of the major offices formerly held by the earl of Pembroke .
2 The duke was made justiciar of south Wales and steward of Cantrefmawr and Cardiganshire , which completed his collection of the major offices formerly held by the earl of Pembroke .
3 Few Marxists now hold to the traditional claim that the state is nothing but the executive committee of the bourgeoisie .
4 A framework for interpreting memory results for complex stimuli was discussed in the introduction , this was the idea that memory results depend on the type of schema subjects previously held for a situation .
5 ( If you have been stimulated by all this consideration of hypothetical possibilities to find out what relationships actually hold between sex , job type and absenteeism , you might like to read Chadwick-Jones et al.
6 The Halifax says that about 20% of the money deposited in Tessas was new money — the remaining 80% was transferred from other accounts already held with the society .
7 Why do words receive so much consideration in dispositions widely held to be free of form ?
8 To keep Mr Nakayama , Mr Kaifu bought off the Abe faction by surrendering one of the two cabinet posts normally held by the small Komoto faction to which he himself belongs .
9 This followed the December 1990 agreement [ see pp. 37907-08 ] under which the Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) would allow the supply of emergency aid through the port of Massawa , both to areas under its control and to areas still held by the Ethiopian government , including Asmara .
10 It was the most expensive series of trials ever held in Britain .
11 ‘ The Robin ’ was originally created in 1862 , and is one of 367 rare colour plates now held at The Natural History Museum , London .
12 A tax of 0.6% has been withheld at source on the amount of bank deposits , term and deposit certificates etc held at 9 July 1992 .
13 The Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act 1991 ( enacted on June 27 , 1991 ) re-enacted the above and , in addition , provided for an extension of the power of seizure in relation to terrorist offences currently held by the police to the armed forces , and created a new offence of bypassing closed border crossing points .
14 The highlight of the Junior School charities programme is the Summer Charities Fair held on the lawns in June .
15 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues already held for three years without ordination and without papal dispensation' .
16 Throughout the war there operated a " political truce " in accordance with which each major party agreed not to contest seats formerly held by any of the others .
17 Secondly , there was throughout the nineteenth century a gradual assumption by the state of many of the responsibilities formerly held by the Church , particularly in regard to marriage — Lord Hardwicke 's Marriage Act in 1753 , the 1836 Act which introduced civil marriage , the reorganisation of divorce and separation procedures in 1856 and 1878 , with further Acts in 1884 , 1886 , 1895 .
18 The commission , which was set up in 1978 , says the threat to the confidentiality of the masses of information on individuals now held on computers is a major cause for concern and ‘ the problems of network security should be addressed urgently ’ .
19 For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me .
20 The two newcomers to Westminster — Niranjan Deva for the Tories in Brentford and Isleworth , and Piara Khabra for Labour in Ealing Southall — retained seats previously held by white MPs .
21 Both the idea that it is desirable for adult children to live with parents , and the custom that it is most desirable for this arrangement to be with the husband 's rather than the wife 's parents , contrast with ideas commonly held in Britain about desirable relationships between parents and children in adult life .
22 This issue had proved a major stumbling block in recent talks , as equal representation in the upper chamber for every province — the implacable demand of several of the less populous provinces — would mean a reduction in the share of the seats currently held by the country 's heavily populated provinces , particularly Ontario and Quebec .
23 The 1471 grant of Middleham , Sheriff Hutton , Penrith and their members did not give Gloucester control of all the northern estates formerly held by Warwick .
24 The 1471 grant of Middleham , Sheriff Hutton , Penrith and their members did not give Gloucester control of all the northern estates formerly held by Warwick .
25 Freedberg : ‘ For Kosuth , then , an art such as Hans Haacke 's in which the message lies primarily in the content simply reinforces the positions already held by his viewers .
26 The announcement of his departure came just one day after Barclays revealed that it is to look outside the bank for a new chief executive to take over some of the powers presently held by chairman and chief executive , Andrew Buxton .
27 However , as is often the case in wartime , women have stepped into some positions previously held by men .
28 The revenue demanded and received payment of the sum by way of tax alleged to be due under regulations subsequently held by your Lordships ' House to be ultra vires .
29 The findings to be considered here ( and the broader body of research of which they are typical ) suggest that the link between education and occupation is much more tenuous than is often supposed and call into question many of the assumptions currently held about employers ’ attitudes to young workers and to educational standards .
30 After all , the Whigs were still acting within the framework of assumptions commonly held by the ruling class then and tacitly accepted by the great majority of a generally deferential lower class , assumptions which attached privilege — and responsibility — to property .
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