Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] as [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Each NIC has attempted to develop a broad industrial base to satisfy domestic demand and diversify exports so as to reduce reliance on a few major primary commodities , e.g. coffee , meat , rubber .
2 The issue which divides your Lordships is whether this House should now reinterpret the principles lying behind the authorities so as to give a right of recovery in such circumstances .
3 She can not get a job without training and she can not get training from the Basildon authorities so as to make herself available for work .
4 They should aim to enable individuals to use their personal emotional and intellectual resources to modify their attitudes and behaviour and to learn new social skills so as to achieve a stable way of life with diminished or no use of alcohol .
5 Design and manufacture products so as to optimise their environmental performance , including considering the environmental effects when sourcing raw materials .
6 The main purpose of the costings for the latter years is to identify probable peaks and troughs in the overall programme , which can be smoothed out by phasing in major projects so as to avoid clashes .
7 It is possible that juries would prefer to convict of murder in such cases so as to register their abhorrence of the defendant 's activities in general .
8 Grudgingly , he would grant all requests so as to cease the torture inflicted on his friends .
9 Although counting of applications continues , the issue is 1.75 times oversubscribed so far , forcing financial advisers last night to ‘ claw back ’ shares promised to overseas institutions so as to meet small investor demand .
10 Although counting of applications continues , the issue is 1.75 times oversubscribed so far , forcing financial advisers last night to ‘ claw back ’ shares promised to overseas institutions so as to meet small investor demand .
11 The Directors of Waterford Wedgwood UK plc are committed to managing the Group 's operations so as to minimise any adverse environmental impact .
12 Economic life moves in cycles of peaks and troughs , and we must take advantage of the peaks so as to withstand the pressures of the troughs .
13 The product is a file manager and full-screen text editor that emulates IBM Corp 's ISPF/PDF on the mainframe , and the new release includes complete ISPF/PDF emulation , integration with Micro Focus Plc 's Cobol Workbench , and compatibility with all micro Cobol compilers so as to bring the ISPF mainframe programming environment to personal computers running MS-DOS or OS/2 .
14 The game has been put back 24 hours so as to avoid a clash with live television transmission of Honved v Manchester United and Rangers v Levski Sofia — so there 's no excuse .
15 Incidentally , the working pattern of these bodyguards , so it transpired over the following days , entailed one or the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night .
16 The evidence from elsewhere in America and Britain is that exhibitors increasingly took the masses for granted and were always investing in better and better cinemas so as to hang on to the more respectable lower middle-class audience .
17 There are many ways of categorizing activities so as to ration your time properly .
18 It is ICI 's policy to manage all of its activities so as to give benefit to society , ensuring that they meet relevant laws and regulations ; that they are acceptable to the community at large ; and that their environmental impact is reduced to a practicable minimum .
19 The actin cable provides a novel way for epidermal cells to coordinate their activities so as to close gaps , fulfilling their function as a self-repairing barrier layer .
20 Even if an officer is working on a pollution problem requiring repeated visits , he continues to do the unpredictable wherever possible to provide the polluter with few opportunities to organize his activities so as to create a spurious impression that things are under control .
21 This being so , specific rehabilitation programmes for people with mental disorder frequently use a therapeutic approach which practises and rehearses ordinary activities so as to help people regain confidence in managing the business of life .
22 When BAT Industries , ICI and others are divesting activities as raiders appear ; when Courtaulds and Racal are divesting or splitting activities so as to focus on their core businesses ; the time has surely come to think again about corporate and other strategies .
23 To be successful , entrepreneurs need to be able to identify unmet private needs and preferences which an interest group can fulfil , and then work to extend the group 's ‘ bread and butter ’ activities so as to achieve public goods bonuses for their membership .
24 Each had their separate sources of funding and , as a result , would not necessarily have to chase the largest audience nor produce lowest common denominator programmes so as to please as many as possible .
25 The Senate Budget Committee duly reported out reconciliation instructions on 23 March 1981 requiring fourteen Senate authorizing committees to alter programmes so as to cut $36 billion from the fiscal year 1982 budget .
26 But it was certainly not my intention to say that the ASB in general and on other accounting questions was moving towards unfudgeable figures : indeed , the indications are that they will continue to ask companies and auditors to make judgments so as to distinguish case from case .
27 EPR had won the battle on their own terms but , like Bohr in his very different way , they had defined the rules so as to assure themselves of victory .
28 In McEllistrim v The Ballymacelligott Co-op Agricultural & Dairy Society [ 1919 ] AC 548 a co-operative society had changed its rules so as to prevent any member from selling milk other than to the society .
29 Accordingly , he formulates a hypothetical set of computational constraints which he claims will both assess the degree of match between two views so as to choose the better one , and typically force a 3-D interpretation which is both unique and veridical .
30 Later , she subtly modified her views so as to accommodate , not alienate , American feminists .
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