Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Binoculars will show quite a number of globulars , though in most cases only as tiny , blurred patches .
2 Whereas by a Transfer/Lease bearing even date herewith the property known as Seedy Towers was vested in the parties hereto as joint tenants for [ an estate in fee simple ] [ [ the residue of ] ] a term of [ 99 years from the ] Now it is hereby declared that the parties hereto hold the said property in trust for themselves [ as joint tenants in equal shares ] [ as tenants in common [ in equal shares ] [ in the proportion of one-third share for A B and two-third shares for C D ] ] Engross in duplicate for both parties to execute both parts , each to hold one part after completion .
3 These are ancient divisions of the territory , recognized for centuries past as distinct pays , but you are unlikely to find them entered on a modern map , so I should apologize for introducing what will seem like obsolete names .
4 Board director Colin Hargrave , who joined Alexon 18 months ago as retail development director , has been made redundant along with trading director Nick Wastnage .
5 The group informally known as labyrinthodonts ( from their characteristic labyrinth-ridged teeth ) included some impressive animals almost as long as a man : perhaps the alligators of the time .
6 At the end of their first year of study , students may continue with two of their first-year subjects either as major and minor subjects or as joint subjects in the combined courses leading to the award of BA Hons Humanities Combined .
7 Students take three subjects in the first year and in subsequent years continue with two of these subjects either as joint or major/minor options for the honours degree .
8 Clozapine entered further trials just as other neuroleptics were found to produce catalepsy and the reversal of amphetamine effects in animals .
9 He had never seen Nails before as other than a surly , rude boy , but now he was smiling and looked light-headed .
10 Example 3:1 Limitation on liability of original tenant ( 1 ) in this clause " the original tenant " means the said … only and this clause applies to any period after the term hereby granted ceases to be vested in the original tenant ( 2 ) if and so often as the tenant fails to pay the rent or any other sum properly due under this lease or commits any breach of covenant known to the landlord then the landlord shall forthwith notify the original tenant of that fact ( 3 ) the landlord shall not be entitled to recover from the original tenant any arrears of rent or other sums payable under this lease where the rent or other sums claimed became due earlier than three months before the original tenant was notified under sub-clause ( 2 ) above ( 4 ) the original tenant shall not be liable for any arrears of rent or other sum falling due after the date upon which this lease is expressed to expire or any breach of covenant committed after that date Example 3:2 Limitation on liability of tenant ( 1 ) In this clause ( a ) " the original tenant " means only ( b ) " the original assignee " means a person to whom the original tenant lawfully assigns this lease ( 2 ) upon a lawful assignment of this lease by the original tenant the original tenant ( a ) shall be released from further personal liability for any breach of any of the tenant 's obligations under this lease occurring after the date of the assignment but ( b ) shall guarantee performance by the original assignee of those obligations until the expiry or other determination of the term or ( if sooner ) a lawful assignment of this lease by the original assignee Example 3:3 Restriction on landlord 's ability to sue original tenant at any time after the lawful assignment of this lease by [ name of original tenant ] the landlord shall not be entitled to enforce against him the tenant 's obligations under this lease unless the landlord shall have first ( 1 ) recovered judgment against all other persons against whom the landlord is or has become entitled to enforce those obligations either as principal or surety and ( 2 ) attempted to levy excution upon such judgment and upon payment by [ name of original tenant ] of any sum due under such judgment the landlord shall assign to him the benefit of it Example 3:4 Definition clause making tenant liable for rent during holding over period " the term " includes not only the term expressed to be granted by this lease but also any period after the date on which the term is expressed to expire during which the tenancy continues under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Example 3:5 Clause making the tenant liable to pay rent and interim rent promptly to pay the rent reserved by this lease without any deduction or set-off and any rent substituted for it either as a result of a rent review under this lease or the agreement or determination of a rent payable by virtue of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s24A
11 And we can use the crates afterwards as executive boxes , geddit ?
12 Easton was not randomly chosen for the location of this research , but purposely selected because it is an area of Belfast where routine policing is possible as a result of the virtual absence of political violence in the locale , whether Catholic or Protestant in origin ( and , as later chapters will show , it is a mistake to see the RUC 's relationship with Catholics only as problematic ) .
13 Cut four smaller whales from the cake trimmings , sticking pieces together as necessary with buttercream .
14 Built 200 years before as legal chambers , they still bore traces of their former grandeur : beams , joists , and bearing timbers of sound oak ; wainscoting and lofty rooms .
15 Written nearly eighty years before as marauding French forces seized their first tracts of territory in Cochin-China , they reflected his own deep conviction , derived from a totally different experience , in the ultimate supremacy of the spirit of man .
16 A detail should be used , where you can , for as many purposes simultaneously as possible .
17 It was the need to provide so many public areas which produced the enormously long frontages of these stations , the buildings often as long as the platforms themselves .
18 International Relations theorists too tend to treat states which seem not to be power-maximizers either as unimportant or as maximizing power in their own eyes and according to their own ideas .
19 Because the broker deals only as principal , his client would not be able to read through his contract to the market ( and so require its performance ) if the broker defaults ; this contrasts significantly with the position on the London Stock Exchange .
20 First World markets are open to Third and Second World goods only as long as their markets are also open to First World goods and , increasingly , services .
21 In broad terms , the division has been between those who see an accumulation of reforms and a gradual erosion of bourgeois dominance as leading to a situation in which a relatively easy and peaceful transition to a socialist society will be achieved ; and those who regard reforms largely as mere palliatives , value the struggle for reforms mainly for its effect in developing working-class consciousness and organization , and envisage the achievement of socialism as a more abrupt event ensuing from a more or less violent final confrontation between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
22 That pattern changes gradually as medical practice and fashions change and as public demand changes .
23 There are some very good science programs on TV , but others present scientific wonders simply as magic , without explaining them or showing how they fit into the framework of scientific ideas .
24 A substantial increase in foreign investment was seen by the government and international agencies alike as vital .
25 Or at least it had been ; for with sinking heart he recognized a company of infantry two hundred yards away as French .
26 They found their mother and went to the Battered Wives Home as usual , this time for six weeks .
27 OUTGUNNED Muslim forces fought off Serb and Croat attacks on two fronts yesterday as Bosnian Serbs voted on an international peace plan they seem certain to reject .
28 Fish features strongly as nearby Newlyn has the third highest fish landings in England .
29 4.1.4 The technical responsibilities of the Parties shall be as stated in Section F of the Proposal and amendments thereto as appropriate .
30 Feminist psychologists tend to see the significance of gender differences much as conventional psychologists do .
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