Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When her mother came and sat beside her , twisting her fingers nervously and pulling on and off her gloves , lifting and laying down her basket in agitation , Lily rallied a little .
2 He left the mines eventually and got a job with a builder — he could turn his hand to anything — one of those men , you know , plumbing , anything .
3 Is that something you can easily forget , pulling a man 's trousers on when he 's got handcuffs on and lying on his front ?
4 There was thus some political pressure from Conservative Ministers to ensure that Boards allocated overheads to their contracting activities properly and secured an economic profit , but the contractors ' association director was so politically inept in following this up that Citrine had no difficulty in exposing him to Whitehall as a biased anti-nationaliser who was unwilling to accept a reasonable accommodation .
5 In the long run , it might even be decided to dispense with paper operations altogether and work entirely electronically from the collection stage ( see 2.5 above ) onwards .
6 it 's not like putting pennies on the table and counting them , put twelve pennies on and share them out between three people , no problem , but you put three pennies and share them out between twelve people .
7 The process will necessarily be a dynamic one with DHAs updating their plans annually and modifying their pattern of contracts both to reflect changing needs and to respond to new services becoming available from current or alternative providers .
8 If you can get hold of the rarer tritium you may liberate nearly 18 MeV through the reaction : A problem the problem in the attempts to fuse nuclei together and release their internal energy — is that all nuclei carry positive electrical charge .
9 They should have got the solicitors in and said ‘ look you 've no rights to have been here , you walked on this common land without any permission at all , you built these places without you 've got cars park and everything ’ , and now I listen to the story where the council says they 're going to run it etc. etc and etc , well what the people want , they want it cleared up , they want it back to where it was , we do n't want somebody running another business out there , this is the idea of getting him off .
10 Would not it have been more sensible to request all those concerned with the project to put forward their plans together and subject them all to just one public inquiry ?
11 But , Prof Richard De La Rue , of the university 's department of electronics and electrical engineering , and his team hope to go 20 times better and develop a cable which will transmit ten billion pulses , or two million simultaneous telephone calls .
12 The tennis equipment specialists , Head , had brought some racquets and accessories along and had also set up a ‘ speed-gun ’ to record service speeds .
13 Young lads who up to this point have had no real demands made on them by society , who have been spoiled and indulged by their mothers , who have followed their own inclinations entirely and have been tolerated in nearly everything , suddenly and incomprehensibly find that they are the subjects of a spiteful atrocity in which they are abused , assaulted , victimized , mutilated and sometimes threatened with death itself .
14 She only mentioned Margaret twice — once tenderly : ‘ the beautiful curtains Margaret and I chose together ’ — once tartly : ‘ Margaret would never prepare her lectures … just gather a few notes together and wonder why she was nervous at the last moment .
15 Write your plans below and evaluate at the next C.P.S.
16 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
17 For example , in the MISLIP project teachers in different subjects ( biology , history , English ) found that the microcomputer helped pupils to plan projects better and improved the motivation of pupils ; while the school librarian at Bankhead Academy pointed to the use of a wider range of resources by pupils in the school library .
18 Funny how with all their computers and name-matching , these people never seem to come up with offers of anything one actually wants : Diners Club France has chosen Cardpac , Sema Group Plc 's software package for managing credit cards , to support a ‘ new commercial strategy and to develop its financial and non-financial services ’ in a contract said to be worth between $1.45m and $1.8m : ‘ We will use Cardpac to follow our clients ’ activity and to construct a database segmented by expenses , in order to understand client profiles better and to adapt our offers to their needs , ’ said Rolf Harff , managing director of Diners Club France .
19 It should be stressed that the figures given are for manufactures only and do not include exports of primary products or raw materials .
20 Wilberforce J held , among other things , firstly , that the retention provisions , which operated after the end of the employee 's employment , substantially interfered with his right to seek employment and therefore operated in restraint of trade ; secondly , that the transfer system and the retention system , when combined , were in restraint of trade and that , since the defendants had not discharged the onus of showing that the restraints were no more than was reasonable to protect their interests , they were in unjustifiable restraint of trade and ultra vires ; thirdly , that the court could examine a contract between employers only and declare it void on grounds on which such a contract would be declared void if it had been a contract between an employer and employee , and that it was open to an employee to bring an action for a declaration that such a contract was in restraint of trade , inasmuch as it threatened his liberty of action in seeking employment , which was a matter of public interest ; and , fourthly , that it was a case in which the court could and should grant the plaintiff the declarations sought .
21 We are pleased offer our detailed views below and hope they will be taken into account before the Government finalises its procedures for the implementation of the EC Directive .
22 Everyone bundled their possessions together and talked about where they would like to stay .
23 And when they tied up at Water Gypsy 's permanent moorings , he gathered his few possessions together and left with only the most perfunctory of farewells .
24 As you do it the third time , bend your fingers down and place them all under the band .
25 Robyn ground her teeth together and glared at him .
26 It is important to write these plans down and to keep them under review .
27 But a crane uprooted four after cops hauled the climbers down and arrested one .
28 Tie the cords together and fix cleat in position .
29 He put the chains down and stood up .
30 Coin-op cabinets do n't come cheap , especially snazzy ones like G-Loc — to keep you putting the pennies in and cover the arcadeowner 's costs , time limits were hellishly short .
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