Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her stained fingers deftly fold betel nut and spices into a betel leaf to hand the paan or a packet of cigarettes to customers who come to her .
2 Researchers rarely conduct research with a finished model of the causal process they want to test in mind .
3 Allocation of resources — Resourcing was a matter of concern , both the resources devoted to care programming and the way in which care programmes effectively allocate resources .
4 His long , thin musician-fingers deftly manipulate wires and crystal .
5 Emphasising that the early histories of anorexics rarely give evidence of gross neglect , and that terms like ‘ rejection ’ or ‘ lack of proper love ’ are unhelpful , she concludes that ‘ the details one learns are usually quite subtle ; the important aspect is whether the response to the child 's needs was appropriate or was superimposed , according to what the mother felt he needed , often mistakenly . ’
6 Similar in appearance are the cathedral corals , ( Sinularia species ) which are often purple in colour , and have fingerlike projections rather thank ridges on the polypary , thus being morphologically halfway between the encrusting leather corals and the bushy , tree-like soft corals , many of which are also species of Sinularia .
7 They contain endlessly frustrated plantation slaves who are rebellious at assessments and in encounters with professionals , but whose views only reach daylight in fragmented and unvalidated form ; and they contain house slaves who agree with everything that goes on and use ‘ massa 's ’ language and concepts , but who believe something else all the time and are waiting for the day .
8 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
9 In practice , however , failures are often forestalled by governments that fear systemic contagion from the collapse of credit institutions ; and the authorities only allow mergers between big firms where they are convinced that competition will not suffer .
10 If the debt is unpaid at maturity the bank will in most cases only seek recourse to the exporter if non-payment is due to a contractual dispute .
11 However , these reactions only take place because of the presence of manufactured chlorine in the stratosphere .
12 The ‘ non-demographic ’ ( NDM ) projections only take account of expected trends in crime and the numbers sent to prison ; the ‘ demographic ’ ( DM ) projections also take into account expected changes in the age structure of the general population .
13 Such policies only make sense to the corporate investors and stem from the perceived need to avoid integrating the industry in any but the core capitalist countries .
14 This 2 week deferment period must be added to the compulsory 2 week deferment for hazardous activities eg winter sports , making benefit payable there from the 29th day of incapacity .
15 Bad debts alone cost £2 million , the departing chief executive , Graeme Odgers , admitted yesterday .
16 The story can , of course , be extended to include ligatures — they are the double letter combinations such as fi , ff , fl , etc but as most PostScript fonts only support fi ( Option Shift 5 ) and fl ( Option Shift 6 ) this may be a little picky .
17 Threadworms only affect humans , they do not affect pets .
18 So many dog training clubs only take dogs when they are six months old … well past the steep part of the learning curve and often at an age when male dogs , especially , are starting to grow up ( and become as rebellious and resistant to authority as any human adolescent ! ) .
19 Share values are assumed to reflect the stream of future earnings obtainable from them , but the future is unknown ( though shareholders naturally have expectations ) .
20 The reason for their non-availability will not surprise anyone who has dealings with an insurance company — the policies apparently attract people who make claims .
21 I am aware that these proposals only go part way to meeting the objections raised at the meeting .
22 Surely ( so the argument might be continued ) the interesting cases of knowledge are those which permit meaningful questions about criteria , and such cases necessarily involve states of affairs that are in some sense publicly accessible .
23 Unless both parties successfully anticipate inflation by fixing the terms of loans in such a way as to compensate for inflation , the lenders find that the real value of their loans declines , and the borrowers find that the real value of their debts declines to the same extent .
24 Contemporary Marxist structuralists arguably confuse voluntarism ( the notion that individuals have unconstrained choices ) with methodological individualism ( the notion that social phenomena should be explained through the intended and unintended consequences of human actors making choices within constrained feasible sets of options ) .
25 On the other hand the expert will not have had the benefit of hearing the arguments , and some observers have suggested that expert valuers rarely assess rents from the tenant 's point of view .
26 For example , facilities like swimming pools , water sports , chair lifts etc. require maintenance and sometimes have to be temporarily withdrawn from use for such work to be done .
27 Shoulders hunched into the collar of his leather jacket , fists clenched inside the pockets , eyes little worry beads of suspicion .
28 Many ammonoids additionally carry spines , warts , tubercles or lumpy excrescences , so that the large shells can look positively burdened with sculpture .
29 The operations of insider traders effectively cause losses to market-makers with whom they deal .
30 Like phonemes themselves , words only have significance in relation to other words and as part of a total system of classification .
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