Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The driver sat drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel while the attendant busied himself filling the tank , checking the oil and radiator , and wiping the windscreen .
2 To promote OTC products successfully through the high street chains nowadays , you have to have a substantial turnover ( £10–15m or so ) to be able to afford the TV advertising .
3 Prolonged frost will drive these birds on to the sea , but many return inland immediately there is a thaw .
4 One by one , he put the drowsy birds on to the top perch .
5 Therefore for these people it may be sensible to attend both Fellowships right from the start .
6 But clearly we can not blame a single organic agent for the simultaneous extinction of all the varied and unrelated groups of dinosaurs , the pterosaurs , the marine reptiles , the ammonites , the belemnites , the rudistids and many minor groups besides at the end of the Mesozoic .
7 Few can rival the Natural History Museum 's offer of drinks beneath its dinosaur , but Christmas and new-year parties have become a nice little earner for museums and galleries right across the country .
8 When she returned to the kitchen , she found Beth sprinkling a shovelful of coals on to the fire .
9 And putting coals on at the far end .
10 Therefore , in order to get his legislative requests on to the statute-book , the President has to rely much more on ad hoc coalitions in support of each specific measure .
11 Henry unscrewed the top of the brass cylinder and shook out a bundle of sticks on to the table .
12 The girl let go of my hand and moved away into the gloom behind me , where she must have put the screwed-up five-pound notes on to the chest of drawers with the magazines , the small framed photograph , the towel , the box of paper tissues , the jar of Vaseline , the baby 's dummy and all the other odds and ends spilled over the varnished oak top .
13 Swivelling round in his chair , he dropped a pile of X-rays and accompanying notes on to the desk beside him .
14 So you 're kicking against the pricks right from the start .
15 I would suggest using paper , as this is the easiest option to apply , and there is a vast range of colours , and even textures , if you wish to extend your design skills on to the back of the picture as well !
16 Thank goodness I had my knickers on at the time !
17 If there is a tunnel , then I reckon it 'll come out in the woods somewhere to the north of the fence an' close to it .
18 The " Copydesk " facility allows the user to input text in various forms on to the screen and thus create a true newspaper page .
19 It 's really exag it 's really exaggerated , they really make erm , I can make all the country folk showed as real louts most of the people in the pub Tony and then the servants are really stupid and then
20 Evidently deciding that prudery was the better part of valour , I hotfooted it down to the bedroom again in time to witness half the ceiling crashing in flames on to the bed I had been sleeping in moments before .
21 The hall in which the manservant greeted them was theatrically lit from the Regency gothic windows of stained glass which threw the early evening sun in coloured patterns on to the black and white marbled floor .
22 They are very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they lay the foundations right from the very beginning of boys growing up to think of women as kind of household servants — this attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor mum has to do all the washing .
23 Not only is the snow cover likely to remain comfortable in the high resorts right into the start of May , but the lower the temperature , the safer the snow .
24 Its activities enabled the Heseltine campaign to seize the initiative and sustain a momentum which kept its opponents mostly on the defensive .
25 What specifically seems to have worried the Russians most about the Marshall Plan was the temptation it represented for eastern European states .
26 She ran her fingers slowly over the stubbly , woven texture of a wall-hanging , part woven , part collage .
27 Secure the red numbers on to the side panels with royal icing , and then fix the lifebelts on to the boat in the same way , three on each side and two on the deck .
28 When they started to gather for another push , the second wave of mounted police went in , scattering the pickets right across the field .
29 The establishment of English Heritage opened up the possibility of a second refuge for endangered houses , capable — at least in theory — of taking houses on without the massive endowments required by the National Trust .
30 Melinda waded out after me and we climbed up one of the mooring ropes on to the deck .
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