Example sentences of "[noun pl] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , to keep as much of its collection as possible in New York City , the Society is offering other New York institutions the right of first refusal in the purchase of its works put up for sale .
2 Although there were some reservations of this kind in both industry and the institutions the balance of opinion was with the sandwich course , and within the Committee for Science and Technology and its boards the commitment to sandwich courses remained strong .
3 Cade founded no dynasty , but in his day he was a major operator in what R. H. Tawney [ q.v. ] called ‘ that seductive border region where business greases the wheels of politics and polite society smiles hopefully on both ’ .
4 It is the very particular choreographic style that MacMillan created for the child-like figure in Requiem that emphasises more strongly than any other of today 's ballets the need for choreographers to explore dance itself .
5 This gives potential franchisees the confidence of knowing they will be dealing with a reputable company .
6 And he removed his hat and discussed for some minutes the shortcomings of his wife Rita who had been in the land-army when they met .
7 The advantage for the butterfly is that if a bird seizes it by the wings , and is reminded of some earlier unpleasant experience with the species and its toxin , it will release the insect unharmed : a bluejay that has never seen a monarch butterfly will readily catch and eat it ; but within 15–30 minutes the toxins in the butterfly 's body cause the bird to vomit , and one such encounter is sufficient to make a bluejay avoid monarchs thereafter .
8 After 30 minutes the amount of PABA was determined with an assay system for urinary PABA .
9 In another ten minutes the mast of a Marconi wireless station could be seen .
10 Once again Campana saw the Germans line up ; ‘ In a few minutes the slopes of Hill 265 were covered with enemy advancing on us .
11 Within a few minutes the atmosphere in the bay was normal , and Ace was jetting towards the shuttle 's cabin door .
12 During the final minutes the woman in front of us exploded .
13 Er Teddy Roosevelt down at the bottom with the Rough Riders the guns at the top of the hill , the horses at the bottom of the hill you 've heard of the charge of the Light Brigade have n't you ?
14 In corporatist accounts the question of which elites are penetrating which can remain empirically contingent and a critical area for research .
15 By all accounts the launch of SCAMP was a lively affair .
16 In the half-light cast by the lamps the metal of the Smith and Wesson .38 and the Beretta 92s gleamed .
17 Elsewhere , multi-party systems proliferated , though in some states the technique of organizing mass parties was beginning to be seen as the key to political power .
18 L 379 , p. 1 ) , according to which the levying of any customs duty or charge having equivalent effect and the application of any quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect were prohibited in the internal trade of the Community ; ( c ) article 8(1) of that Regulation , which , as regards the payment of an indemnity to producers who were not members of a producers ' organisation , provided that such an indemnity was to be granted without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the recipients ; ( d ) article 27(2) of that Regulation , which laid down for all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the member states the principle of equal access to ports and first-stage marketing installations in the other member states ; ( e ) article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which authorised the member states to determine the detailed rules for the utilisation of the quotas allocated to them , in accordance with the applicable Community provisions ; and ( f ) article 13(2) of Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3094/86 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources ( Official Journal 1986 No .
19 With 5,000 different states the size of the bigram and trigram matrices are enormous ( 2.5e07 and 1.25e11 elements respectively ) .
20 MODULE-NAME-IS states the name by which the module will be known to LIFESPAN throughout its life .
21 China , which had sharply criticized Gorbachev after his resignation for having caused " political chaos , ethnic strife and economic crisis " , nevertheless on Dec. 27 recognized as independent states the members of the CIS .
22 From among these States the interests of El Salvador , Honduras and Costa Rica were more directly and intensely affected than those of other States .
23 In many states the number of blank and spoilt votes exceeded the number of valid votes cast .
24 The free volume is a measure of the space available for the polymer to undergo rotation and translation , and when the polymer is in the liquid or rubber-like states the amount of free volume will increase with temperature as the molecular motion increases .
25 Debate over attempts to limit the number of appeals allowed to prisoners on death row in order to speed up executions affected both courts and Congress following the recommendation of a special five-judge judicial committee in September 1989 that the federal law be amended to allow states the option of permitting prisoners only one round of appeals .
26 To walkers and climbers the price of continued access to the hills need only be the cost of MCofS membership .
27 Given that these defendants are unlikely to know the names of solicitors the responsibility for acting quickly settles on the duty solicitor .
28 For potential solicitors the apprenticeship to an experienced solicitor in the form of articles of clerkship performs the same function .
29 Later events , such as the devastation of East Prussia by Russian troops in 1758 or the terrible slaughter which followed the storming of the Turkish fortress of Ismail in 1790 in which some 30,000 were killed , underlined to contemporaries the freedom from conventional restraints which characterized warfare in Eastern Europe .
30 Carl Friedrich Gauss ( 30 April 1777 — 23 February 1855 ) Gauss , called by his contemporaries the Prince of Mathematicians , was one of the greatest scientists ever .
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