Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) The inner strophes have 11 participles and no conjugated verb-forms , while the outer strophes each have a conjugated form repeated in the form of a chiasmus ( Is lust … list/is ; well knowes … knowes well ) ; to this parallel between strophes I and IV there also corresponds a set of echoing pairs within strophes II and III ( Injoyd — joy ; had — Had , — mad — Mad ; purpose — proposd ) .
2 The grammar used by METAL is rule-based but the rules each have an associated weight ( Caeyers & Adriaens , 1990 ) .
3 Based on their level of homology the type III repeats 6–9 form a group as do repeats 3 , 5 , 14 and 15 .
4 The winners each receive a family ticket to the air tattoo at RAF Fairford on either Saturday or Sunday .
5 Five second prize winners each get a 30 litre Luftikus ACS rucksack worth £55 .
6 He argues that it is not just that the long waves each have a different pattern but that regional differentiation , and regional political and social movements , are crucial to the shape of long waves themselves .
7 The political parties each have a different vision of precisely what citizenship involves but they are all broadly agreed that it is a good thing and agree in general terms at least on its basic ingredients .
8 In the latter account I have described a situation in which the major parties each have a reservoir of virtually guaranteed electoral support , based on the traditional connection between the parties and the two ‘ classes ’ of British society ( which I have termed ‘ social collectivities ’ to distinguish them from classes defined at the level of property relations ) , the ‘ middle class ’ and the ‘ working class ’ .
9 If the trainers each encourage a similar pattern of professional practice , in-service training and working arrangements , then in five years time a national pattern will emerge so that clients and interpreters can have recognised expectations .
10 These three isosceles triangles each have a pair of equal sides .
11 For gravitational waves these include a degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez ( 1987b ) solution and the solution of Chandrasekhar and Xanthopoulos ( 1986b ) , which are respectively parts of the Schwarzschild and Kerr space-times .
12 The final syllables in these words all have a similar sound when the words are said normally .
13 The following readers all win a Nitragon for their marine fishkeeping projects .
14 The large bedrooms all have a private bathroom and several will take a third or fourth bed .
15 Bedrooms all have a private bathroom and loo .
16 The pleasantly decorated bedrooms all have a private bathroom and balcony .
17 Twin bedrooms all have a private bath or shower .
18 The attractive bedrooms all have a telephone and a balcony .
19 The comfortable , traditionally furnished bedrooms all have a private balcony overlooking Positano .
20 The pleasant bedrooms all have a balcony or terrace .
21 The bedrooms all have a balcony and a front view of the lake .
22 But first — as usual — we 're going to hear about Zac 's foreskin , Pop Will Eat Itself never flushing the toilet , drugs , ‘ stompers ’ , why smart drugs turn your piss dayglo green and why female pop journalists all want a good shagging .
23 The advantage to the institutions providing the money — assuming enough countries follow the UNIDO format — is that proposals from many nations all contain the same essential data .
24 Worker discomfort in feet , lower legs , back , neck , and shoulders all increase the longer workers are on their feet .
25 These small animals all eat the algae and infusoria which naturally colonise the tub .
26 Women who have organized around their specific demands all support the political opposition arguing that their oppression as women can only be substantially altered with the overthrow of the present regime .
27 Local post offices , local transport and local schools all have an important role to play in sustaining rural life .
28 Methods available include the following :
29 Pastures new Make a mini-meadow with Geoffrey Smith , then sit back and enjoy the wildlife it attracts .
30 AT&T/NCR Corp subsidiary Applied Digital Data Systems Inc and Structured Software Solutions Inc have a co-marketing agreement for ADDS to distribute SSSI 's FacetTerm Window and session manager software with ADDS ' AlphaWindow and character terminals , making ADDS the only terminal manufacturer to offer windowing solutions on both character and AlphaWindow terminals .
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