Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An engineering drawing may contain a circle amongst the many thousand entities laid down in its generation .
2 The Acts of Parliament , although applying to Scotland , use the English spelling , as do the various forms laid down in the Acts in connection with the representation at Westminster .
3 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
4 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
5 In such a context the interests of the State must in my judgment mean the interests of the State according to the policies laid down for it by its recognised organs of government and authority , the policies of the State as they are , not as they ought , in the opinion of a jury , to be .
6 Somerset 's governmental changes included the legalization of the English language as the official medium , the introduction of English currency , the setting up of a council of advice , and attempts to ameliorate the treatment of slaves in accordance with new policies laid down in London .
7 The district council claim that unauthorised use of the farm shop for the sale of goods not produced within the farm holding is not a use ancillary to agricultural use , and is contrary to policies laid down by the district local plan .
8 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
9 It emphasized that many people considered that direct contact between boards and course teams was ‘ one of the most valued aspects of the Council 's operation ’ , and the Council concurred with this view as long as boards worked within the policies laid down by the committees .
10 ( WES ) Almost all the club 's riders have refused to agree to new pay scales laid down by the sport 's governing body .
11 ( 4 ) defines the time limit for the giving of reasons laid down by subs .
12 Sometimes it is hard to love a rebellious and rude teenager , to endure the appalling racket of pop music , to cope with disobedience and flagrant disregard of rules laid down for family life .
13 The team will play to the rules laid down for the 1992 World Cup .
14 The Commission made a provisional determination that the plaintiffs had failed to establish a claim according to the rules laid down under the statute .
15 Rules laid down in a statute would be less flexible .
16 Claims brought in respect of loss of cargo will be governed by the rules laid down in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , the Hague-Visby Rules .
17 The commercial department of the Central Authority was staffed at the top by three ex-CEB men who had been experts in the complex bulk tariff rules laid down in 1926 to secure equity between independent undertakings : a job which no longer existed .
18 If this decision were to be upheld , the appellants stand to lose their liberty and , in my judgment , it would not be right that such a result should occur when the evidence is excluded only on the basis of the rather stricter rules laid down in Ladd v. Marshall .
19 An exclusion clause , which purports to exclude or limit liability under these terms , is subject to the rules already outlined in this chapter , including the rules laid down in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
20 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
21 If people accept that they are governed not only by explicit rules laid down in past political decisions but by whatever other standards flow from the principles these decisions assume , then the set of recognized public standards can expand and contract organically , as people become more sophisticated in sensing and exploring what these principles require in new circumstances , without the need for detailed legislation or adjudication on each possible point of conflict .
22 Each dance followed particular rules laid down by the dancing masters , and this idea continued to prevail even after Gluck began to compose operas and ballets which had greater continuity .
23 A classical ballet has a style of dance based on certain accepted principles and rules laid down by french , Russian , Danish , Italian and more recent schools .
24 He disapproved of his bishop ( A. A. David ) for the tough way in which he handled three recalcitrant Anglo-Catholic priests who refused to conform to rules laid down by the bishop and yet did nothing about the radical dean of the cathedral who did things equally nonconforming in a Low Church direction .
25 But the five-figure sum paid for No 34 Smith Square , Westminster , will not reduce customers ' water bills under privatisation rules laid down by the Government itself .
26 If he does cause a byelection , he will face the charge that he is not prepared to play by the rules laid down by the party conference .
27 The real estate descended to the heir in accordance with rules laid down by statutes of 1833 and 1859 .
28 The personal estate was distributed in accordance with rules laid down by the Statutes of Distribution of Charles II 's and James II's reigns .
29 The Yorkshire Television helicopter , which had lifted the crew in , landed in pitch darkness , totally against the ground rules laid down by the Civil Aviation Authority , and lifted out the film equipment .
30 Many of the rules laid down by this syndicat in 1904 were later taken as the basic framework around which the AOC regulations for Champagne were formulated in 1927 .
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