Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] between [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Health Service Commissioner ( the ‘ Ombudsman ’ ) has published a report of selected investigations completed between October 1990 and March 1991 .
2 The percentage valid for use in the four groups varied between 92% and 86% .
3 The primary division amongst critical views lies between readings of these tales as fundamentally serious moral reflections on the state of humankind despite their undeniably comic appearance , and readings of them as essentially lighthearted tales , designed to amuse rather than to disturb , elevating solaas well above sentence .
4 Germans torn between admiration and shame
5 AN UNEASY truce was holding yesterday after fights erupted between cockle pickers on a West Wales beach .
6 ( West Greek cities oscillate between prosperity and obliteration , justifying all Pindar 's insistence on the mobility of fortune : Olympian xii is his frankest hymn to Fortune , Tyche , and is addressed to a Sicilian victor , Ergoteles of Himera . )
7 Returning to our main theme , the practical choice of pricing systems in increasing returns cases lies between deficit financing , Ramsey-optimal pricing , two-part tariffs , declining block tariffs , or some other non-uniform pricing scheme .
8 Chamberlain ( 1989 ) used daily data on the high and low prices of the FT-SE 100 index futures contracts ending between March 1985 and March 1986 .
9 Rather than try to disentangle the scores of relationships examined between animals and plants in this area by putting them into categories of predation or dispersal mechanism , an attempt is made to look at the relationships of particular taxonomic groups of animals and their food plants .
10 Spanish speakers alternate between present and imperfect subjunctive in sentences of the following type :
11 When disputes arose between nobles , or between lay and ecclesiastical landlords , each party would expect " justice " , meaning a settlement , often a compromise , that was acceptable to both parties and seemed fair to others of their rank and status .
12 It also meant that the police were immediately involved when serious disputes arose between labour and employers .
13 Finding himself with nine months to kill between school and university he cast round for a job .
14 Magma intrusion was essentially aseismic ; several earthquake sequences occurred between February and May 1991 , but the sources were deep ( 7–20km ) .
15 Even in the nineteenth century , many hundreds of vessels passed through the Straits each year , most of them small coasting ships but also a good many larger vessels trading between Europe and the East Indies ( Java and Sumatra were at that time prosperous Dutch colonies ) .
16 In his article on breakfast television , ( Forum , 17 March , p 750 ) Barry Fox comments on the ratings battle between BBC1 and TV-AM .
17 The vast majority of chromosomally unbalanced mouse fetuses die between day 6 and IS ( 8 ) and mitotic activity often decreases several hours or even days prior to the event .
18 The whole mechanism of contradictions developing between production and consumption , between the growth of production and the relations of distribution , contains in itself , the class struggle , taking the form of economic categories .
19 In 1621 all Protestant ministers were compelled to leave the country , and in 1627 Emperor Ferdinand ordered all his Bohemian subjects to choose between Catholicism or exile .
20 It could well be that there are many more signals operating between cells than is currently suspected .
21 The incentives will apply to cars bought between Jan. 1 , 1990 , and July 31 , 1992 .
22 Estimates of the council 's losses vary between £69m and £406m , depending on how they are assessed and on interest rate movements .
23 The results of the research project will hopefully provide a better understanding of the functioning of the estate agency sector as a whole and will reveal forms of organisational change that take place within a small-firm sector subject to rapid corporate invasion , paying particular attention to the way in which changes and impacts vary between localities .
24 The door of the house opened , and she heard a few words exchanged between David and his grandmother .
25 The letter goes some way to explaining the 14 months delay between June 1981 , when harmful side-effects from Opren were first reported to an international conference , and August 1982 when the drug was withdrawn .
26 In other words , no meaningful ties existed between parent and child .
27 Contrastingly , close fraternal relationships existed between Poole , Hampden Jackson and Jacques in the development of District provision in Norfolk .
28 The medieval bridge , built in 1392 and demolished c. 1856 , was a little distance south-west of the modern road bridge and is recorded as having been preceded by an earlier bridge on the same line ; it had ten waterways set between stone piers and a timber superstructure , a method of construction commonly used by Roman engineers .
29 It is built of sandstone with red bricks set between courses .
30 Passengers arriving by ferry from Belgium at Felixstowe do not now have to declare goods , while cargo vessels travelling between EC countries do not have goods cleared by Customs staff .
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