Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] in part " in BNC.

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1 No doubt both tendencies arose in part because the voters themselves became more strongly partisan at that time ; but it also seems likely that television became more strictly impartial ( thereby offending both Labour and Conservative partisans more ) while the press became more stridently partisan ( Chapter 6 ) .
2 Partly because if we explicate the concept of requesting , it will be found to be constituted of the very speaker beliefs and wishes listed in part in ( a ) - ( g ) ( see Chapter 5 ) .
3 The sequence of steps given in Part 3 .
4 The intervention is laid out in terms of the ten steps given in Part 3 .
5 From these observations , Hofmann and I proposed that plumes consist in part of deeply subducted oceanic crust and sediment .
6 In so far as power in organizations derives in part from an ability to resolve uncertainty , then location within the network of communication is important .
7 In return for performance of the Programmer 's duties , the Publisher will make the payment(s) detailed in Part 3 of the Schedule .
8 For example , international insurers compete in part by deploying the abilities to manage large-scale systems they have built up by investment in equipment and human skills over many years .
9 The first of the lists published by Turan ( base date 849 ) records that sixteen years have passed since the death of , among others " Mevlana Shams al-Din [ -i ? ] " ulema-i sultan Fenari-oglu " ; the two lists reproduced in part by Menage ( base dates 856 and 858 ) likewise show the death of " Mevlana Shams al-Din sultan al- " ulema Fenari-oglu " to have occurred in 833 ; and Nesri records the death of " Shams al- " ulema Shams al-Din ibn Fenari " as having occurred in 832 : in each case his death is at least implicitly associated with a great plague occurring in Bursa in that year .
10 Local authorities must comply with the duties and obligations imposed in Part III of the Act when looking after children in care .
11 Another complaint is that it is not clear that all the matters discussed in part III , perception , memory , induction and a priori knowledge , are forms of knowledge .
12 At least two of the eleven Issue Areas specified in Part 2 of the syllabus ( International Issues ) are also covered .
13 These tracts did in part reflect a radical Whig philosophy : for example , the connection was made between a standing army in peacetime and absolutism , and it was also suggested that the right to resist would be nullified by a standing army .
14 All of the offences created in Part II of the Act are triable summarily only .
15 Indeed , it is arguable that the mere possession of nuclear weapons threatens legality given the measures apparently needed to preserve security and suppress protests depicted in part III of this volume .
16 ‘ In either case it is important to realize that the anthropologist 's academic and cultural expectations determine in part his notions of what a rounded view of a way of life is .
17 Steiner 's ludicrous generalizations stem in part from the very notion of defining cultures and history in terms of a sensibility .
18 The regulation of financial affairs involves in part legislative action , in part executive action .
19 The programme should be guided by the general principles given in Part 2 but these are flexible enough to allow modification to suit different families ' individual needs .
20 Measurement and baselining methods are best chosen to suit the individual situation , following the principles given in Part 2 and summarised in the three criteria above .
21 Under the listed securities regulations contained in Part IV of the FSA , the London Stock Exchange is appointed the competent authority to make listing rules to govern the admission of securities to listing and the continuing obligation of listed companies .
22 The Lay Observer has been replaced with a Legal Services Ombudsman with rather wider powers than the Law Observer under provisions contained in Part II of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
23 It is not yet known to what extent the original provisions contained in Part V will remain unchanged when the full provisions on unlisted securities are finally implemented .
24 It may be , however , that low prevalence among more distant relatives results in part from lower levels of ascertainment .
25 The dreams rely in part on the dreamer sustaining a faith in the American ‘ ethos ’ of freedom and liberty .
26 The guilt feelings related in part to the sexual abuse in childhood .
27 He agreed with Mr Hitchin , however , that this type of problem put further strains on the Net Book Agreement , ‘ which already has enough problems arising in part from the activities of one of your large members , and in part from the decisions of the European Commission and European Court .
28 However , if this holist conception is to provide a standard for at least some explanations within the social sciences , and if it is to avoid the difficulties discussed in Part II , it is obvious that it will need to be greatly refined and elaborated .
29 Indeed , the problems have in part arisen because of that unrealistic expectation .
30 Part 11 consists of a series of more advanced lectures , building on the theory and techniques introduced in part 1 .
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