Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] go off " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , at the critical moment at least one of the mines failed to go off .
2 As the bombs in the hangars started to go off they beat a hasty retreat across the field .
3 Yes , well there is another man and she 's told Paul frankly she 's lapping up the attention , he 's taking her out for meals and their having a good time together you know , why its great , but as soon as he 's paid for , for the goods and got , got the goods , the chaps going to go off looking for another .
4 In 1914 the art schools had all but atrophied ; the models had gone off to the munitions factories , and students had been replaced by retired businessmen seeking distraction from their troubles .
5 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
6 We were very fortunate but I do remember the guns used to go off and I , when my so my son was born the , the guns were going off all the time from the castle .
7 As it happens we got that shipment delivered eventually though some of the perishables had gone off .
8 Fifth thought : shit , this is the turret of the Cathedral ; and it 's dark because it 's late and the floods have gone off .
9 About a month ago , the Oscars started going off their food , except for the occasional earthworm .
10 The medium of continuous recording prompted the inclusion of bridging scenes to allow one group of characters time to go off one set and onto another while the action is carried on by the second group of characters .
11 Many of the Legation servants wanted to go off and fight , but it was essential that they should stay and help .
12 Then I told him that my friends had gone off in the wrong direction and that I was willing to pay the owner of the moped for taking a message to them .
13 Rockets continued to go off outside the building .
14 Now try to imagine turning into that aisle , all those bodily reactions start to go off , and yet there is nothing there — no lion , nothing for you to be terrified about and yet your heart is beating faster , you 're sweating , feeling faint , breathing rapidly , and so on .
15 A number of young men mentioned going off on their bikes to get away from it all , and amongst older adolescents driving around or driving out of town and parking to view the scenery were popular ‘ escape ’ mechanisms .
16 Several had become pregnant on losing their virginity , or very shortly after , and their boyfriends had gone off , leaving them both scarred and scared about having any subsequent sexual relationships .
17 The women and children had gone off to the caves — , ‘ Did you not fight ? ’
18 By Thursday no Iraqi missile had fallen on Turkish soil , but the debris of a misfired Patriot anti-missile missile had , and air-raid sirens had gone off in Adana .
19 I was only able to come because all the men have gone off to a meeting with Romanies from other camps .
20 She did not think boys did go off on their own like that .
21 Several bombs have gone off in Latvia ; the locals think these were planted to give the army a possible excuse to move in .
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