Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a large " in BNC.

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1 The threat co-incided with an announcement by British Gas that it had secured an exclusive deal with Bahrain , one of the GCC members , to develop plans for a large power station there .
2 The increasing friction between Braun and the City Council came to a head last month when proposals for a large sculpture garden , which was to be financed completely by the Overholland Foundation , again did not find the support from the City Council that Braun was hoping for .
3 This is an interesting theorem which seems to prove the existence of singularities for a large class of colliding plane waves .
4 A dictionary contains lexical entries for a large number of words .
5 Entries for a large number of compounds ( about 30,000 in the CED , 11,000 in the OALDCE ) can be obtained as headwords and subentries ( e.g. ‘ in one 's right mind ’ , ‘ by rights ’ occur under the headword ‘ right ’ ; ‘ right about ’ , ‘ right angle ’ , ‘ right away ’ occur as headwords ) .
6 He believes that the report will be recognised internationally as a major step forward in assessing the risks of a large scale disaster arising from the transport of dangerous substances near centres of population .
7 Here we are reminded of studies carried out some years ago in Germany on the personality characteristics of a large group of professional painters and sculptors .
8 It is situated on the Eastern outskirts of a large industrial city , with a fairly high level of children from different ethnic origins .
9 The attractions of a large nuclear contribution are obvious for Japan despite the unfortunate historical associations .
10 An example comes from Williams ( 1981 , p.23 ) when he discusses the beneficiaries of a large World Bank project in Nigeria : ‘ these rich beneficiaries are drawn from army officers , government officials , contractors , merchants and members of the office-holding aristocracy , who purchase land in anticipation of benefits from the project and from cheap bank credits ’ .
11 If we want to collect information about some aspect or aspects of a large group ( whether the group is made up of people or things ) the obvious approach would appear to be a survey of all of them .
12 This is a study of the human and management aspects of a large re-equipment project in a factory which makes axles for trucks .
13 Also from the Acropolis come fragments of a large plaque dedicated to Athena by a Polias .
14 It will be taking place immediately beside , behind and in front of the homes of a large number of my constituents .
15 The flattened rectangular section behind the neck contains traces of a large iron blade , possibly a double-edged dagger or short sword .
16 The analysis also highlighted the complexity of the relationship between the CSSU and the departments , and the problems that inevitably arise when trying to meet the demands of a large number of customers whose requirements differ .
17 There are mass of shops , restaurants , cafes and all the sophisticated amenities of a large city , including , concert hall , theatres of all sorts plus museums and so on .
18 The railways aroused an even greater opposition for this as well as for numerous other reasons , and not only among those who quietly enjoyed the amenities of a large estate .
19 The study was confined to the North-East , but this had the advantage of providing the authors with a large number of Far Eastern companies , reputedly the highest concentration of Japanese firms in the country .
20 Ipswich , 7 miles south , has been a settlement since the Stone Age , with interesting historical buildings and good modern amenities including a large shopping centre and leisure complex .
21 Catholme , Staffordshire reveals a similar pattern of enclosed units with a large central building surrounded by lesser structures , some interpreted as granaries .
22 Graham Brown , a 33-years-old farming contractor lay for nearly two hours trapped by the legs in a large field machine .
23 At the same time the appetite of those few readers for books in their category will not necessarily be any smaller than that of readers in a large interest category .
24 He remembers sitting on a hard seat , among a hundred other candidates in a large , impressively ancient room , scribbling a General Essay paper for three hours on EITHER Political Necessity OR ‘ Enrichissez-vous ! ’ not at all sure what the examiners would be looking for in the answers — their ideas or his ideas , or the former subtly disguised as the latter , or the latter masquerading as the former .
25 In my last job I used to look after the animals in a large zoo near the practice , where I was an assistant .
26 Your regular monthly contribution or lump sum payment purchases units in a large pooled fund from which equities [ stocks and shares ] are bought and sold on your behalf .
27 Many in our branch recognize the need for the strength , the baddening , the experience , the equal rights , health and safety , training opportunities within a large union , but they were also very worried about losing our own identity .
28 Place the redcurrants , the blackcurrants , and the gooseberries in a large saucepan with 2 tablespoons of water , cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes until just tender .
29 Gun-mikes are generally restricted to outdoor use ; indoors , sound reflections off walls defeat the directional characteristics to a large extent .
30 These involve the stationing of combat troop units on a large scale and may well infringe upon the sovereignty of the host country .
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