Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 In those countries which have generally been regarded as well-established democracies , manhood suffrage was only achieved in most cases between the end of the nineteenth century and the First World War , while the attainment of universal and equal suffrage came still later ( in Germany in 1919 , Sweden in 1920 , France in 1945 , Britain in 1948 ) while in most of the rest of the world universal suffrage , where it was introduced at all , came only after the end of the Second World War .
2 In the couple of hours between the end of rehearsals and bedtime , Campbell and I snatch a Berlin social life .
3 An analysis of the half-year accounts and projections for the end of 1991 indicated that LAB 's expenditure for the year would be somewhat over budget , due entirely to costs hitherto outside it control .
4 The rewards for the end of the week should also be written in the diary in the space for Week 1 .
5 Ipswich re-emerged five minutes after the end as if they had made certain of promotion .
6 Finally , it is unrealistic to recommend ( desirable though it might be in theory ) repeated estimates of auditory and vestibular function and , likewise , to believe that busy house officers will take samples for measurement of peak concentrations precisely 15 minutes after the end of an infusion and one hour after intramuscular administration as the authors advise .
7 Our comments about sampling 15 minutes after the end of a dose applied to intravenous infusions .
8 Such fears , however , proved to be unfounded and the economic indicators for the end of the year were not all as bad as anticipated .
9 Sir Michael spoke enthusiastically of the University Plan and its clear goals for the end of the decade .
10 Inspectors may now list corporation tax delay hearings from 12 months after the end of the accounting period , rather than 15 months as before .
11 This effectively reduces the company 's tax liability , which will be payable nine months after the end of the accounting period .
12 This generally means that the repayment supplement will only arise if the ‘ surplus ACT ’ was repaid more than 21 months after the end of the accounting period producing the surplus .
13 An error , intentional or otherwise , in the amount paid on the due date ( nine months after the end of the accounting period ) will result in a 3.35% difference in the interest paid or charged .
14 On 3 June 1992 the justices made a care order in respect of L. , a girl born in August 1988 , which included a direction to the local authority that the guardian ad litem be allowed to have continued involvement so that he could investigate the rehabilitation process in order that L. could apply to have contact terminated if appropriate , such involvement to last for up to three months after the end of a placement at a mother and child unit .
15 Three months after the end of the study triglyceride concentrations had risen in the patients who had monitored themselves from 1.6 to 2.2 mmol/l ( NS ) , as had the patients ' cholesterol concentrations ( from 6.1 to 6.4 mmol/l ( NS ) ) .
16 Section 244 provides that this normally has to be done within 10 months after the end of the accounting reference period to which the accounts relate ( if it is a private company ) or within six months ( if it is a public one ) .
17 In Spring 1985 a follow-up survey is planned to examine the employment and other destinations of students some six months after the end of the IT Advanced Course .
18 US officials quoting Kuwaiti sources said on Feb. 26 that the Kuwaiti government was prepared to spend up to $800,000,000 to restore emergency health care , sanitation , communications , transport , utilities , food and water in the first three months after the end of the war .
19 Corporation tax is generally payable nine months after the end of a company 's financial year .
20 Both trial protocols required endoscopy to be performed before the start of treatment , and one , six and , 12 months after the end of treatment .
21 Similarly , on the profits retained in the company the due date for payment of Corporation Tax is 9 months after the end of the company 's year or 14 months in advance of the partnership date .
22 ( 6 ) If over 49 per cent of the voting rights could be obtained , the offer document must contain specific and prominent reference to this and to the fact that if the offer succeeds the offeror will be free , subject to Rule 36.3 ( which prohibits purchases during a period of 12 months after the end of the offer period ) , to acquire further shares without incurring an obligation to make a mandatory offer ( Rule 36.6 ) .
23 However , there are a few significant differences : ( 1 ) An offeror and its concert parties must not purchase any further shares in the target for 12 months after the end of the offer period except with the consent of the Panel , following a successful partial offer .
24 I got the dates wrong , it 's the thirtieth of may that 's two months after the end , so the amendment I 'm moving
25 ( The guidelines towards the end of this chapter can be used to identify this group of parents . )
26 The major survey of the paintings of Walter Richard Sickert , which opens at the Royal Academy of Arts towards the end of this month ( 20 November-14 February 1993 ) and commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the artist 's death in 1942 , is the most comprehensive exhibition of his work to be staged since the Tate Gallery 's centenary exhibition of 1960 and an Arts Council touring show seen in Hull , Glasgow and Plymouth in 1977–78 .
27 The the difficulty in a sense that we got , if we look at two paragraphs towards the end the report .
28 When we surveyed deputy heads towards the end of the evaluation period , we found a somewhat surprising proportion — over half of those surveyed — without job specifications .
29 This report is based on a survey which was carried out in Scottish schools towards the end of 1992 .
30 The Institute also calls for legislative changes that would require companies to hold an agm within six months of the end of the accounting year ( as opposed to nine months ) .
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