Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He began speaking as soon as he entered the lecture-room , which he generally did five minutes after me hour .
2 That 's a ninety nine calories for them chocolate .
3 The gallery sent her to the guillotine after seeing the Mirror 's pictures of her South of France frolics with John Bryan .
4 What she say , thanks to you lot so wondered he survived this lot .
5 Anyway , I thought I 'll have this away and I slid it off the shelf and it dropped like a ton of bricks on me leg and broke me ankle .
6 They got eight copies of them video shop
7 For example , leakage of charged particles into the upper atmosphere of a planet can give rise to emissions of em radiation called aurora .
8 As you inhale , imagine you are drawing energy from this source of light , in through the top of your head and out through your hands and feet as you exhale .
9 Visitors for you Colonel . ’
10 As I said , I did me shoulder in and it was really bad and me mam got some dikes off me gran who had arthritis and I felt great .
11 Fish and chips between us mum ?
12 There 's creeps like me spray-painting the carriages ,
13 Were a lot of the colliers boozers like you dad ?
14 not at all but , you know , there are tax advantages in it sort of thing erm .
15 Most effects to me sound like oil on top of water .
16 They even make statements about it criticism that would otherwise be regarded as incomprehensible : ‘ The man who welcomes criticism , will prize it almost above friendship , ’ says Eccles .
17 Some were corporation housing estates , reservations for thee rehabilitation of the working class .
18 I nearly said , ‘ I 'll swap places with you anytime , Mrs Rogers , and gladly . ’ ’
19 Lindsey came on and sat in for a couple of numbers and really enjoyed being back on the boards with us lot .
20 A prophetic note was penned , ‘ We have in flower several exotics in vast perfections and I doubt not that we shall be able to manage the most tender plants in ye world with these stoves . ’
21 I thought of bringin' it back 'ome with me , but it could n't have stood t' trip , four weeks on me shoulder back to 'Ampton Roads , an' me not able to dress nor undress neither . ’
22 The grandparent could feel resentful at such unexpected burdens , and sometimes grandchildren were aware of this : ‘ course there was — bits of squabbles at times with me father and me grandfather . '
23 Two hundred pounds for it diamond ring .
24 Some of the difficulty with words is probably due to pupils ' problems with the concepts involved and to questions about them being out of context .
25 The latest argument is about the beast where three of the main characters each believe different things about he beast .
26 Sometimes the perceptions of us French are different from you English . ’
27 ‘ I 'm glad , ’ she replied impishly , though added , ‘ And I went to bed , feeling unhappy and with a heavily laden conscience and , for my sins , dreamt awful dreams of you being in danger .
28 I chased 'im all the way up the Butts with me stew saucepan , and a bobby 'ad to come an' save 'im from 'aving 'is brains bashed in .
29 I do n't suppose they have aisles in them Registry places … . ’
30 I 've lifted a few sacks of taters in me time , but I do n't reckon to lift thee ! ’
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