Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Roger Samways , Adviser for English and Drama in Dorset , was very progressive in outlook , holding views about children 's learning which were anathema to most right-wing Conservatives .
2 The reasons for bankers ' reluctance have not been articulated .
3 Taking their work together , two main reasons for women 's status consciousness emerge , each one related to the supposed gender-role of women .
4 There are many complex reasons for historians ' disagreement .
5 One of the reasons for Champneys 's move to Holland with his apprentice may have been his bankruptcy in 1766 .
6 Other reasons for pupils ' absence can provide challenges to the school .
7 Pupils ' non-attendance at school can be authorised or not and there are many reasons for pupils ' absence — illness being the most common .
8 There are a number of reasons for tutors ' apparent retreat to the classroom , among which may be increasing administrative demands on their time and/or lack of opportunities for recent clinical experience .
9 The evaluation will consist of : — baseline criteria for the effectiveness of a computer based course — a description of critical aspects of course implementation — an analysis of the reciprocal interactions between teachers ' views of mathematics , mathematics teaching and computers and their progress on the course .
10 The responsibilities of this department cover the development of the HCIMA professional qualifications , liaison with centres offering HCIMA programmes and administration of the moderation system , accreditation of hospitality programmes in the UK and overseas , management development activities for members ' self development , Student Members recruitment , Licentiate assessments and career counselling .
11 It was not until 1982 that mandatory scales for architects ' services were replaced by recommended fees — with the RIBA responsible for establishing the scale .
12 She twined her fingers through Piers 's and tugged him towards the door .
13 Ideas and opinions about women 's issues and the degree of priority they should be given at this stage vary considerably , but it is more than apparent that there are many who now believe that a new society would be incomplete without changes in women 's position .
14 Assurances were given about the number of lesson visits on which judgments about teachers ' competence would be based , and an attempt to make the procedure more ‘ egalitarian ’ , or ‘ fraternal ’ was blocked .
15 Also , there has to be strict rules for visitors ' feeding of the animals and most of the time no feeding of this kind is allowed .
16 I have obtained the permission of the chairman to sell the shares as required by the company 's inhouse rules for directors ' dealings .
17 It drops central bankers ' insistence on centrally-set rules for members ' budget deficits .
18 Top Tory Michael Ancram yesterday joined calls for taxpayers ' cash to be restricted to the Queen and Prince Charles .
19 ‘ If you are to go into this business in a big way , you want to think of buying in ready-made uppers for men 's boots , that would cut down the work a lot , mind . ’
20 These findings offered important support for theoretical proposals about children 's acquisition of the meanings of more and less as well as of other adjective pairs ( e.g. , big/small , tall/short , wide/narrow ) , in that they appeared to show that children first learned the meaning of the unmarked term for a dimension ( e.g. , big , tall ) , and interpreted the marked ( negative ) member ( small , short ) of the pair as if it had the same meaning as the unmarked ( positive ) member ( see H. Clark , 1970 ; Clark , 1973a ) .
21 Some part of the variation between action and control groups at first referral is also probably due to the slightly greater difficulty in the collection of data about control sample clients than about those in the action sample , where the development officers were engaged in detailed meetings about clients ' circumstances with service-providers of all kinds .
22 Discussions about drugs ' harmful effects were one thing , but McGrath was sick with heroin .
23 Steven Clark gave himself up just hours after five-months ' pregnant Kelly Hitchcock died .
24 Doubts about banks ' capital reserves , which include stock in clients ' companies , and property-related bad debts may continue to undermine confidence in the market as a whole .
25 Not all of these demands are quantifiable and measurable or will rest easily within a neat job description : some will stem from anxieties about children 's academic progress , some will centre upon their social and emotional welfare .
26 Side-sheets for clubs ' existing mobile systems are available , plus a complete recovering service .
27 Most of the discussion in the media was trivial , with much attention given to the list of authors for children 's reading , which excluded Enid Blyton and Captain W. E. Johns ( see chapter 6 on literature ) .
28 The school , therefore , has in its budget funds for teachers ' salaries and other staffing costs , equipment and books , heating and lighting , rates , examination fees and all internal maintenance associated with normal ‘ wear and tear ’ .
29 That was Phillis Harley 's verdict on an aerobics marathon which raised funds for children 's homes in Aberdeen .
30 Without systematic data comparably defined , it will be difficult indeed to advance the level of knowledge as to relationships between mothers ' health and well-being and their fertility patterns .
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