Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Miners now work in the licensed mines for less than they were paid in British Coal 's mines .
2 well we ca n't go into the reasons for that but I said let's respect the reasons I said if that 's how you feel I said , you 're a man you you must make your own decisions I said probably in a few months time you 'll come
3 I can see the reasons for that and went along with my birth certificate , marriage licence and National Insurance card .
4 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
5 Deforestation and agricultural encroachment are among the reasons for this but forest-management policies have also been inadequate .
6 There are probably many reasons for this and I shall mention only a few of the important ones .
7 There are a number of reasons for this and Malina is aware of how such phenomena as poverty , crowded home conditions and poor diet can affect physical performances .
8 Loss Adjusters generally outline the steps being taken , the reasons for this and the likely period involved .
9 The research attempts to uncover reasons for this and puts forward a series of policy recommendations aimed at producing a more random distribution of women in employment .
10 Now , there are quite a number of reasons for this and the good news , I think , that I bought good news again this morning is that presentations both about budgets er , and about what we do wi with the small churches is , er , could be some of our salvation .
11 The three great defectors , Nureyev ( 1961 ) , Makarova ( 1970 ) and Baryshnikov ( 1974 ) came West not for political reasons as such but because Russian dance was in a straitjacket .
12 The librarian has been teaching information skills for many and has found that local viewdata is an excellent coordinating for a whole range of useful skills .
13 In other words , it is not only cheaper to buy the parent company 's shares , buying them gets you a share of the non-telecom activities for less than nothing .
14 Bruce Springsteen has been pulling in crowds for more than a decade .
15 It is offering optimised Pentium compilers for those that want to do the job themselves , but Santa Cruz claims performance increases by 170% on Pentium from an 80486 even without recompiling — and around 230% with recompilation .
16 It is offering optimised Pentium compilers for those that want to do the job themselves , however SCO claims performance increases 170% on Pentium from an 80486 without a recompile — around 230% with recompilation .
17 In the aftermath of Kristallnacht the NL had to be treated by the authorities as more than an eccentric lunatic fringe organization .
18 For every Western aid worker , there are at least five Somali aid workers who , like Hawa the nurse , put themselves at greater risk , work longer hours for little or no money , and provide a body of local people who may be able to continue their work in health care or administration after the fighting is over .
19 Er he wants two two or three coaches for this and that and for a special to Liverpool you see , he 'd need it later that afternoon .
20 The point I would like to put over is , I 've listened to one or two erm , radio programmes , and television programmes about this and I personally would like to have more evidence of what actually happens to the animals .
21 Personal preferences for this or that novel , although clearly visible in the analysis , will be of a purely anecdotal significance .
22 ‘ The Cosmological Pictures ’ , which have been winding through West and East European cities for more than a year , arrive at the Tate Gallery , Liverpool , at the end of next month , and Gilbert & George will be pioneering in China with exhibitions in Shanghai and Peking next autumn .
23 In all this he found time to address meetings for these and many other bodies , hold weekly classes for teaching the youth of his synagogue post-biblical history and related subjects , write articles for the Jewish press ( he founded an Anglo Jewish Journal called The Jewish Times later to be absorbed into the Canadian Jewish Chronicle ) .
24 I thread the yarns through these before they go up through the yarn guides on the mast and this prevents them from tangling together at the back of the table .
25 This is a scandal not merely because police stations are not equipped to hold prisoners for more than a day or two — everyone from Lord Justice Woolf to the Inspectorate Constabulary has condemned the present arrangement — but because police cells are now being used as a convenience to enable the Prison Department and the Home Secretary to claim that overcrowding in prisons is diminished .
26 As a result , nearly 2m home-buyers were stuck with houses worth less than their mortgages ( ie , with ‘ negative equity ’ ) .
27 So you have to ask yourself if a company consistently advertises products for less than they 're actually selling for — do you want to deal with them at all ?
28 Below the arches are fat , circular columns instead of the usual piers , and there are openings between these and the apses .
29 Although Mexico accounted in recent times for more than a third of the world 's production of silver , the extraction and working of the metal began there only late in the first millennium A.D.
30 Draft evasion had already been going largely unpunished by Lithuanian authorities for more than a year , and had been steadily increasing : on Feb. 16 more than 5,000 conscripts attending independence day rallies had publicly returned their call-up cards .
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