Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But he simply does not come to grips with the genuine political and cultural difficulty of establishing effective institutions for research in applied sciences , such as agriculture and medicine , which can not be seeded entirely by individual commitment and talent .
2 The flight of religious sects seeking greater freedom to pursue their often rather peculiar activities was probably less significant than in the previous half-century , if only because mid-Victorian governments held no strong views about orthodoxy as such , though probably not displeased to see the heels of the British or Danish Mormons , whose penchant for polygamy created problems .
3 Now unle now unless there are any participants that want , really burning to make a comment , er I feel that we have settled , well we 've had enough discussion on little A , I 've got enough , well I 've got enough from you in terms of your views about size of settlement , and Mr Brighton has pointed me again in the direction of his submission about er the definition of an integrated and balanced community , I would like to know , er from Mr Davis whether he concurs with that sort of interpretation , and I have a feeling that we have also had an expression , generally , that at the moment one settlement is probably appropriate , if you have to have a new settlement .
4 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
5 There do seem to be some concerns which recur throughout the interviews and seemed to be crucial to people 's views about decision-making in the education and lives of young disabled people .
6 Teachers ' reasons for selecting the most popular texts are discussed , as are their views about gender as a potential organizing principle for their work .
7 There is a further complication in that individuals hold views about health at a variety of different levels of analysis .
8 Such was the powerful rhetoric of Grimm and Jean-Jacques Rousseau that the very conducting habits in Paris which they denigrated in the mid-18th century seem to have affected all views about practice during the following decades .
9 However , only half the states produced any statistics , it not being standard practice to record lunatics as part of the prison population .
10 Most important , you can build up a collection of notes as part of your own library of books , newspaper cuttings , essays and other materials that you should find invaluable for tutorials , essays , projects and exam revision .
11 It is the Company 's intention to continue to regard the AUK Notes as part of its working capital ; they are pledged as collateral for Group borrowings .
12 Note : Through an omission on my part the editors did not receive these notes for inclusion in the last Journal .
13 Where automatic directions become applicable the court sends out " Notes for guidance on automatic directions " to all parties .
15 Candidates may have only one copy of the Background Notes for use throughout the examination .
16 Supplies of quality sorted notes for use in Automated Teller Machines ( ATMs ) are included in the arrangements .
17 Dr Patrick Brooks , Senior Medical Adviser , Scottish Rome and Health Department The current " family " of design guidance notes for use in planning new hospitals buildings in the Scottish Health Service is at present Hospital Planning Note 1 ( HPN1 ) , and its collection of supplements which , at November 1988 , numbered 11 in all , with one further one expected early in 1989 .
18 There were only eight private acts for enclosure in the whole of England before 1714 , eighteen under George I ( 1714–27 ) , and 229 under George II ( 1727–60 ) , most of these in the latter part of his reign .
20 For their part , the BEA were anxious to prevent detailed intervention , and tried ( though not always successfully ) to insist on the protocol of official exchange through their secretary , rather than permitting Murray and the other civil servants direct access to specialist BEA personnel for information on particular policy issues .
21 Binding later described how he was told ‘ to arrange a crew and equipment , ladders , steps , scaffolding , cylinders of hydrogen and personnel for repair of airship skin and everything I thought necessary to salvage this airship .
22 ERS-1 is currently under test in Toulouse , scheduled for launch next October , at least two years before any other satellites as part of an international monitoring programme for the 1990s .
23 Nintendo Co does plan to use satellites for delivery of computer games : the company says it plans to broadcast a game via satellite in Japan , and owners of its game computers that buy a decoder and adaptor — for about $85 — will be able to pick the thing up ; Nintendo also plans a national competition for high scorers in satellite games ; meantime Nintendo of America is poised for its largest launch of a video game ever this week in a bid to best Sega Enterprises Ltd — it plans to spend up to $15m in a month-long promotion of Star Fox , a science fiction action game inspired by Star Trek and Star Wars that uses its new Super FX technology , which includes a RISC embedded in the $60 games cartridge ; it claims to have 1m advance orders for it .
24 These correlations , while of interest , do not tell us much about the political substance of the ‘ class'/party link , but Butler and Stokes pursued this further by soliciting ‘ free ’ responses concerning the reasons for identification with one or other party .
25 As ketamine has a good physical safety profile and an established place in medicine within current indications what are the reasons for concern about its non-medical use ?
26 Moreover , while there are good reasons for concern about the availability of services for ‘ revolving door patients ’ during the run down of the old psychiatric hospitals and while doubts remain over the capacity of district general hospital units to provide appropriate care to people in crisis , the relocation of the long stay population of psychiatric hospitals is achieving some successful results .
27 There were , however , more tangible reasons for concern in that bicycle deaths and injuries were frequently reported in the press , with moments of aggravated alarm about ‘ hit-and-run ’ cyclists .
28 For those who do not want a federal future for this country there are many reasons for concern in the Prime Minister 's statement on the treaty of union .
29 Teachers ' Reasons for Selection of Texts
30 Whilst understanding the reasons for change as part of AEAs evolution , he was unclear as to why the announcement had been made now but appreciated being given the information so explicitly and comprehensively .
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