Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 There are a lot of herbs for when a child falls ill .
2 The proposal is likely to divide the group since some councils are voicing doubts about whether a referendum is the best way forward .
3 Disputes about whether a reference had been to an expert or an arbitrator have produced many lawsuits .
4 John twitched his great shoulders as if a wasp had landed on them .
5 Er if they did they 'd find erm quite spotlessly clean interiors of the caravans but , in an area where there 's all sorts of that a few yards away and quite carelessly dumped and left around .
6 Despite Ferrari , the race went on , and a memorable race it was , with thunder-clouds overhead , a wonderful high-speed circuit to urge drivers on and a hugely combative field in which Hunt , who held pole position , went into an early lead , was swept aside by John Watson in a Penske , with Ronnie Peterson in his March coming up almost right alongside the leaders , eventually overtaking both .
7 He won the gold medal there thanks to and a rather curious operation of the rules .
8 Then he slapped the speakers on and a solid weight of noise crashed against her head : the pilot 's amped-up voice thundered , ‘ Back to your positions !
9 Suddenly she realised that another pair of hands was piling rugs on and a pair of feet treading them down .
10 I was on 1,000 grams of that a day , now I 'm on 187 , so although I 'm still on medication it 's a very minute amount of medication to what I was on before , and I 'm existing on that , so for me it 's worked .
11 Erm , as I 've said before , I have reservations about whether a much increased figure about above the County Council 's er proposal could be accommodated within Ryedale District Council , and I if the figure above that is proposed I would suggest that the extra is accommodated within the new settlement , which I presume the ar argue answer you would have expected from Ryedale , erm Barton Willmore 's figure is based on an assumption that they believe that within Ryedale there is a capacity to increase past building rates , I would refute that , erm the building rates in Southern Ryedale I would suggest were abnormally high , because of the development of Clifton Moor airfield , the North Western part of the Southern Ryedale district , sorry South Western part .
12 In other cases , individual workers made their own judgements about whether a person was likely to benefit from the care programme approach .
13 It was an ingenious idea ; but the war with revolutionary France soon destroyed the fiction that there could be two Parliaments with but a single executive .
14 The journey ended , six days on and a world of difference at Chepstow Bridge , just below the walls of the castle .
15 ‘ After the date of the publication of a complete specification and until the sealing of a patent in respect thereof , the applicant shall have the like privileges and rights as if a patent for the invention had been sealed on the date of the publication of the complete specification : Provided that an applicant shall not be entitled to institute any proceedings for infringement until the patent has been sealed .
16 With nickel-plated handlebars , new pedals , a new saddle , a basket to carry things in and a brightly coloured net over the rear wheel to stop my skirt getting tangled in the chain , the finished bicycle would look brand new .
17 A meeting spot of note for lovers , but they , those lovers , were all gone now ; just her and the closing night , the street lights on and a soft rain falling .
18 Lucy had her serious office-work glasses on and a sheaf of papers .
19 So you ca n't buy me a box of chocolates for and a card ?
20 In these cases one never finds a whole tree fossilized , and it is necessary to piece together the whole plant by making intelligent guesses about whether a frond of one kind is persistently found with a particular fossil trunk .
21 The effect of task difficulty in terms of whether a purely lateralised effect or a bilateral effect ( symmetrical or asymmetrical with respect to the two hands ) is observed thus appears to depend upon the nature of the two competing tasks .
22 The term includes : ( i ) any income chargeable to income tax by deduction at source or otherwise ( first limb ) and any income which would have been chargeable to income tax if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) ( s681(1) ( a ) ) ; [ ( ii ) where the amount of the income of any body corporate has been apportioned ( ie shortfalled ) under Schedule 16 to FA 1972 or could have been so apportioned if the body corporate were incorporated and resident in any part of the United Kingdom , so much of the income of the body corporate for that year or period as is equal to the amount which has been or could have been so apportioned to the trustees of or a beneficiary under the settlement ( s681(1) ( b ) ) [ abolished in relation to income of bodies corporate for accounting periods beginning after 31 March 1989 by FA 1989 , Sched 17 , Part V ] ] .
23 He nodded benevolently at Miss Harker , sitting at the front with white gloves on and a new bonnet .
24 A sort of box with dials on and a little television screen .
25 He asked the opinion of members on whether a ‘ Bring a Pensioner ’ scheme would be worth trying .
26 The hotel and its newly dug garden are protected from the winds and passing cows by a handsome new stone wall made in the old way — using the enormous smooth round boulders that litter the fields as if a giant 's child had grown bored with a game of marbles .
27 Steam rose here and there , not in puffy , damp , friendly clouds as if a kettle was boiling , but in hissing , angry spurts , as if some unseen being was venting its spleen .
28 There were a few light clouds about and a cooling breeze , and everywhere the hawthorns were heavy with may and the hedgerows thick with wild garlic , campion , bluebells and the little star-flowers of chickweed .
29 ( 1 ) The provisions of this Act mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below shall apply to licensed canteens , to the holders of licences under this Part of this Act and to their employees and agents as if a licensed canteen were a public house and as if the licence-holder of a canteen were the licence holder of a public house .
30 ‘ We could see what looked like a range of hills from our window but they 'd gone by the morning — nothing left but huge ripples as if a great tide had come up and washed them away .
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