Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the rules change at this stage .
2 By the 1930s the dominant force within Catalanism was the Esquerra , a coalition of democratic and republican groups formed in 1930–1 under the leadership of Francesc Macià .
3 Groups formed in this way tended to remain relatively stable , moving as a whole from one activity to another , although in a few classes they were formed only for specific activities ( generally mathematics ) and disbanded for the rest of the day .
4 As we have seen , in the past false biological views led to false reasoning .
5 Another possibility is that the IP 3 R functions to integrate information from the multiple inputs received by this dendritic tree .
6 This is an important reminder for , on seeing the beautiful objects excavated from this charming little town , it is all too easy to forget its horrible end .
7 The development of NVQs and SVQs is underpinned by the assumption that in order for Britain to maintain and enhance its economic position in an increasingly competitive market it requires a more qualified , skilled , flexible and adaptable workforce capable of acquiring the competences to cope with changing technology and methods of work .
8 We proposed that arrays of dimeric met repressor molecules bind to these extended operator regions , with a stoichiometry of one repressor per met box , to form a left-handed superhelix around the DNA .
9 The intense involvement which can soon develop makes programming one of those rather rare activities in which time can cease to exist and the passage of hours goes by unnoticed .
10 This , it was argued , amounted to ‘ service abroad ’ ; any other view would infringe the right of other Contracting States to object to certain modes of service , such as Germany 's objection to the use of registered mail ; would circumvent the translation requirements existing under the Convention ; and would deprive defendants of the guarantees in Articles 15 and 16 .
11 The marriage between logical semantics and textual semiotics does not , however , prove equally felicitous when the approach to the truth-conditionality of counterfactuals developed within modal logic is extended to the semantics of fictional universes by means of the " Principle of Minimal Departure " ( Chapter 3 ) .
12 Complementary to that record we have the accounts given by those fans of those very occasions and others like them .
13 They will have their contracts honoured in full . ’
14 While a Hague Rules inspired bill of lading can be challenged by an issuing bank on the basis that Article 3(3) of the Hague Rules defers to municipal law for unlisted requirements , decisional law does not reveal any such challenge .
15 B. Black obtains the result that E ( F t +l ; - F t ) = [ E ( R M ) - r ] β i , where β i = cov[ ( F t +l ; - F t ) , R M ] , while Duffie obtains E ( F T - F t ) = [ E ( E T ) - , where = Cov ( E T F T ) /Var ( E T ) , E T is aggregate terminal wealth and F t M is the price at time t of a futures contract on aggregate terminal wealth .
16 If an individual buys a futures contract at this price and later sells a contract at 91–23 , then he will have made a loss of 328.13 ( i.e. 21 ticks x 15.625 per tick ) .
17 When the long originally bought the June futures contract at 90.50 , he was expecting to lock in a three-month sterling interest rate of 9.50 per cent .
18 It is also possible to unwind a futures contract at any time by performing a reversing trade , so futures contracts are generally extremely liquid ( at least for the near maturing contracts ) .
19 Near to this was a small pool designated by our guide as Lod an Suidhe [ Pool of the Sitting ] where the guga hunters sit on surrounding rocks to wash their feet after the day 's toil .
20 There have , however , been some attempts to go beyond this and to develop conceptions of TNCs not as representatives of the power of the state , as tends to happen within state-centrist analyses , but as independent of and even , on occasion , opponents of the state .
21 By the later decades of the century it was becoming obvious that the numbers of many species were being rapidly diminished , and it was now regarded as ‘ unsporting ’ to amass the vast collections of trophies favoured by earlier hunters .
22 The relative lack of council housing has made this system more important : in 1948 34 per cent of farmworkers lived in tied housing , but by 1976 this figure had increased to 53 per cent .
23 The role will involve providing economic back-up analysis and feasibility studies for planning activities undertaken at all levels by the Physical Planning Directorate .
24 Activity with tools may be undertaken by the whole class as a supervised group , or may be later activities undertaken by small groups of their own volition , and the circumstances under which this latter is to take place must be carefully organized in advance .
25 The Commission points out that it is often difficult to attribute responsibility , especially when damage is the cumulative result of activities undertaken by many parties .
26 Direct employment covers all those activities undertaken by Scotch Whisky companies , who , to a greater or lesser extent , are engaged in :
27 It would be easy for the issues to be addressed by a series of discrete activities undertaken by different staff with the likelihood of overlap , empire building , and gate-keeping .
28 Most banks and monetary authorities distinguish between two types of bank deposits :
29 The Commission was attempting by these measures to reduce the past bias towards spending on large infrastructure projects favoured by national governments .
30 But the big record companies say they need elaborate long term contracts to invest in new talent .
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