Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The revenue from the tax , currently around £1.2 billion per year , is intended to subsidize projects using alternative fuel sources , but at the moment more than 90 per cent goes to the nuclear industry ( which is why the tax is often called the " nuclear levy " ) .
2 The framework in which political scientists usually consider these aspects of politics , employing the notions of ‘ political culture ’ and ‘ political socialization ’ , is too narrow to encompass all the relevant phenomena , and it is more fruitful , I think , to start from the conception of ‘ cultural reproduction ’ ( Bourdieu and Passeron , 1977 ) , which has the great merit of emphasizing that the ideas and values shaping political action are not necessarily expressed in an overtly political form , and of relating such ideas and values to the whole social structure .
3 In other words " hard cases make bad law " .
4 In villages , educational workers would drag women out of their houses to attend mass literacy classes , in others the cadres of the party kidnapped the wife of the mullah on the grounds that , wherever she went , other women would follow .
5 Wintering birds favour coastal farmland and marshes and a high proportion of recent records have been for the Selsey peninsular , the Beachy Head area , and from Rye to the Midrips .
6 PLANS to promote environmental tourism and encourage birdwatching in Mid-Wales have been put forward by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the Development Board for Rural Wales .
7 PLANS to promote environmental tourism and encourage birdwatching in Mid-Wales have been put forward by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the Development Board for Rural Wales .
8 A BACK injury aggravated by polo forced the Prince of Wales to pull out of the Garter ceremony today and cancel plans to attend Royal Ascot .
9 The Prince of Wales also cancelled plans to attend Royal Ascot to take the opportunity to recover from the back injury he aggravated at polo on Sunday .
10 Organizations that have horizontal and adaptive structures are able to meet the changes in market need more readily than those with cumbersome hierarchical structures , and create multifunctional development groups to plan new product developments .
11 These are collocational ties which in many cases defy literal interpretation , and have to be understood metaphorically .
12 Hundreds of couples ignored the new secular ceremony instituted by the 1653 Marriage Act and sought out clergymen to conduct clandestine church weddings for them .
13 Ecologist editor Nicholas Hildyard commented : " We have long known that World Bank projects bring environmental catastrophe and suffering on a grand scale .
14 THE Stock Exchange is considering a change to its Yellow Book rules to enable young biotechnology companies to be floated in London even if they are years away from making profits .
15 By then all the Renault plants had been occupied and students and workers held joint meetings to plan future action at Renault and Sud-Aviation .
16 In the long term , electronic scanning and linking to an image database could provide a secure back-up to the herbarium collection , a means of transmitting images to other institutions , and a method for collaborative working between institutions using real-time computer conferencing .
17 Each nation is seen as a kind of family , clan or tribe , assuming these entities denote common descent .
18 Laetacaras make good community fish , general or dwarf cichlid community , but must have sufficient territory if other cichlids are present .
19 Not only do we need to build up a collection of RBGE staff publications , but we should also ensure that external researchers given significant access to RBGE facilities agree to deposit copies of their publications , reports and theses within the Library as a condition of use .
20 Taking the present temperature gradient of 15°F per 1000 ft ( 28°C per km ) measured in the Larne-2 borehole as representative of the post-Triassic history of the area , it is estimated that where source rocks now occur beneath the Permo-Triassic of the Larne and Lough Neagh basins at depths in excess of about 11,000 feet , they would be expected to be within the gas zone with their coals generating abundant methane .
21 He says ‘ His rules made good sense then and they make better sense now as the pressures grow inexorably , yet they have been ignored in certain sensitive areas , with results which are both plain and heart-rending to see . ’
22 Sue Cale demonstrated the art of making hot cross buns using fast action dried yeast .
23 To accompany the auditory imagery of verbs , the adjectives bring visual imagery , particularly of colour ( 10 ) : red , scarlet , and pink contrast vividly with black , tarred , and ashy , bringing into relief small signs of light or life against the drab and blighted background .
24 Some local authorities made good use of their autonomy .
25 ‘ Despite the variation in language of the various judges , the principle of Donoghue v. Stevenson [ [ 1932 ] A.C. 562 ] as appears from the examination of these authorities imposes tortious liability on a person who performs some careless act which may injure any person whom he should reasonably have had in contemplation as being likely to be injured in consequence of his carelessness and who in fact is injured by his careless act .
26 At Glendinning mine stratabound sulphide ( arsenopyrite ) horizons host minor gold while cross-cutting , quartz-antimony base metal sulphide veins are non-auriferous ( MRP 59 ) .
27 Ads warning : Companies which advertise misleading or non-existent job vacancies using premium rate telephone lines face a total ban if they fail to clean up their act , watchdog the Independent Committee for the Supervision of Telephone Standards , warns today .
28 One index of the theoretical and educational congruences between multiculturalism and antiracism is the underlying similarity between multiculturalist attempts to combat racial prejudice by the provision of ‘ positive images ’ and the antiracist injunction to present black histories primarily as narratives of resistance and struggle against racism ( Jeffcoate , 1979 ; Hatcher and Shallice , 1983 , p. 10 ) .
29 And while research continues to build up a clearer picture of the distribution of radon across the country , environmental health officers are hoping that the new results will encourage local authorities to enforce strict building regulations .
30 It 's played on smaller courts using light plastic rackets and foam balls , so very young children can join in .
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