Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , changing external factors meant that many plans became rapidly out of date and so they could never be implemented properly .
2 They were not all preplanned ; some of the later activities developed naturally out of those that came earlier .
3 ‘ These charges , ’ continued McClenaghan , ‘ will affect all groups of companies and will effectively increase the cost of the activities concerned by up to 17.5pc .
4 Huy understood why he had been dropped here , from where a large number of roads led off back to the various parts of the city , but guessed that they had underestimated his knowledge of the twisting muddle of streets that formed the harbour quarter .
5 The swings moved gently back and forth .
6 A neighbour said he often saw Mr Huang spending hours walking aimlessly up and down the town 's Yarm Road .
7 The ducks swam right up to Anabelle .
8 These birds clamber all over and under their hosts , devouring whatever bloodsucking ticks and flies they find .
9 ‘ There 's no need to cover yourself up — certainly not for my benefit , ’ he 'd drawled in a tone that had sent shivers quivering frantically up and down her spine .
10 Conversely , the wafer-thin ears of many bats act as sound frequency filters allowing all but the most ultrasonic frequencies to pass right through .
11 Then he sat down with a thump , his legs sticking straight out in front of him .
12 Travis 's eyes gleamed right back .
13 Locks shoot back like informed guards stepping aside out of obedience , not willingness .
14 Hundreds of eyes gazed dismally out of windows at the rivers gurgling along the gutters , scores of small noses flattened their ends against the dry sides of windowpanes down the other surface of which streamed rivulets of water .
15 By now , it was raining enough for the covers to go on over at Wimbledon .
16 Waves crashed deafeningly on to pebbles beneath .
17 Huge waves crashed down on to us , and the wind drove our helpless ship eastwards into the Pacific Ocean .
18 The hens moved carefully about , picking their way on their spindly yellow legs , muttering comfortably to each other and darting their heads to the ground every so often in pursuit of something delicious .
19 When her eyes moved back up to his face , she realised he was watching her covert examination , his heavy-lidded gaze amused .
20 Every detail was picked out by the floodlights mounted high up on the walls behind protective grilles .
21 In a moment , they were far enough out that they could see miles down the rocky shoreline … and they could see the other boaters scrambling up on to a piece of rock .
22 We should hope that all our students have opportunities to engage actively in and experience the personal satisfaction of working with and for others in the community .
23 ‘ Well , 14/ 20th Hussars came back off exercise with a lot of dead equipment and 2nd Field Regiment has just finished a major inspection in preparation for firing camp starting in three weeks .
24 However , when she wrote down ‘ I 'm afraid that if I find a man who loves me … , one evening , she was amazed to find words spilling out on to the paper .
25 Their eyes darted excitedly around .
26 Her eyes drove right back at him .
27 ‘ There were tackles going in out there that have been banned for two years , including the tackle from behind . ’
28 A broad terrace ran round it with tufts of herbs growing on it and broken steps leading down on to the ruins of a lawn .
29 His eyes run quickly down the page .
30 Their offices faced right on to our living quarters and they were always staring at us .
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